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    Roofing posts

    Hartwyn free natural building course: 2019 applications now open

    Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 04-Apr-2019 | 0

    We hear from Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn about a fantastic free natural building learning opportunity running from June to September 2019. Read more

    How to build a low-cost, high-performing living green roof

    Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares her top tips for building a low-cost, high-performing living green roof. Read more

    Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

    Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 06-May-2018 | 0

    Natural building company Hartwyn are pleased to announce their summer 2018 free natural building internship programme is now open to applications. It’s over to Joe Duirwyn from here to tell us more. Read more

    How we designed and built our own off-grid home in the woods

    Two years ago, we blogged about Anna and Pete’s experience in obtaining planning permission for a self-built, off-grid home in the woods in Devon. Here’s the story of what they built and how they power and heat it. Read more

    Request for help to build a reciprocal roundhouse for an environmental charity: great learning opportunity, and it’s free

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 06-Dec-2016 | 0

    We’re building a reciprocal roundhouse in April 2017 for an amazing social/environmental charity, Farms for City Children, and we’re calling for assistance. This 3-week ‘Full Build’ gives you the chance to learn by experiencing the whole building process Read more

    Having a £3k eco-home is more about attitude than building codes or regulations: interview with Tony Wrench

    Tony Wrench of That Roundhouse | 02-Oct-2016 | 6

    This is an interview with Tony Wrench of ‘That Roundhouse’ fame. He built a super-eco roundhouse in Pembrokeshire over 20 years ago, and is still living in it, after having many battles with planners and regulatory bodies. Read more

    Would you like to help build a 9m roundhouse with a reciprocal, turf roof for the charity ‘Farms for City Children’?

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 04-May-2016 | 0

    Reciprocal roundhouse build: call for volunteers. Gloucestershire, July – August 2016. We’re building a 9m turf roof roundhouse for the charity Farms For City Children and are calling for assistance. Read more

    Should I remove moss from my roof?

    Bez Walker of Ashbrook Roofing | 08-Dec-2015 | 3

    Removing the moss from your roof is a topic that is widely debated. Does it do more damage to leave the moss growing on your tiles or does removing it harm your roof even more? Read more

    French farmhouse free to the right low-impacter (roofing skills would be a bonus)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Sep-2014 | 3

    We are in contact with an English man who has a French property but will no longer be able to live there. He’s happy to give it away to someone who will turn it into the kind of eco-home / low-impact smallholding that he intended. Read more

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