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    Low-impact retrofitting posts

    Painting with limewash paint

    Using, creating and choosing limewash for your home. Read more

    Heating old buildings with heat pumps

    John Cantor of Heatpumps.co.uk | 16-Mar-2022 | 4

    It looks as though heat pumps are going to provide a lot more of our heating in the future – although there has been some controversy about how well they work in old buildings. Heat pump specialist John Cantor answers some of those concerns. Read more

    Converting an old cottage to ground source heating: how we did it

    Living in an older building but keen to heat your house with 100% renewable energy? Simon Lennane shares how he tackled an ambitious project converting his old cottage to ground source heating. Read more

    The European Straw Bale Gathering is coming to Yorkshire for 2019

    The European Straw Bale Gathering is heading to the UK for the very first time in August 2019. Learn all about it here. Read more

    The benefits and challenges of natural paints with Sigi Koko

    Sigi Koko outlines the pros, cons and considerations when it comes to making non-toxic natural paints from the simplest of ingredients. Read more

    How to make your own natural paints with eggs

    A great project to try with kids, natural builder Sigi Koko shares her best recipes for how to make natural paints with eggs. Read more

    How to make natural non-toxic paint from clay

    Natural builder Sigi Koko shares her tried and tested method of making natural non-toxic paint from clay. Read more

    How to make your own natural paint with milk

    Whether it’s for your kitchen walls or your 5 year old’s latest masterpiece, Sigi Koko shares her simple recipes for homemade natural paint with milk. Read more

    A natural building bookshelf with Jeffrey the Natural Builder

    In this post, Jeffrey the Natural Builder shares his top reading recommendations based on an original natural building books post on his blog. It’s over to him from here. Please note that this article contains affiliate links to bookshop.org – if you purchase we receive a small percentage. Thanks!  Read more

    In praise of the domestic larder: an alternative to the modern fridge

    Once a mainstay of households in times gone by, the humble larder provided a practical storage solution for foodstuffs requiring storage over a longer period of time. Read more

    SuperHomes: free open-house events for you to have a look at homes with renewable and energy-saving technologies

    Richard Vale of Superhomes | 15-Jul-2017 | 0

    This year marks the 10th year of SuperHomes, the innovative and multi-award winning national network of over 200 homes which have all reduced their carbon footprint by a minimum of 60%. There’s a record 100 free Open House events occurring across all parts of UK Read more

    Waste not, want not: 5 tips for collecting salvaged building materials

    Using salvage building materials brings new life to otherwise discarded items.  Reusing materials can inspire creativity and reduce construction costs. But you need to have a plan, or you risk spinning your wheels and burning out from all the leg work involved. Read more

    Visit properties refurbished for energy efficiency around the country in September

    Gordon Glass of SuperHomes | 06-Aug-2016 | 0

    SuperHome Open Days this September promise to be extra exciting with at least six recently refurbished homes opening to the public for the first time. Around 50 pioneering households are preparing to open their doors across the UK. Read more

    Unless your house is old, you probably don’t have rising damp, and if you do, modern damp-proofing methods probably won’t work

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Dec-2015 | 0

    Twentieth-century homes tend to contain a lot of non-breathable materials – cement, metal, plastics, impervious paints and renders. Damp-proof barriers prevent rising damp, but the sealed, waterproof, non-breathable approach of modern building brings its own problems Read more

    Retrofitting existing houses for energy efficiency: learn how at ‘open house’ events around the country

    Gordon Glass of SuperHomes | 06-Dec-2015 | 0

    The UK’s Federation of Open Home Networks believes the homes of the future will necessarily be dramatically improved older homes. Our homes accounted for 22% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2014. Read more

    Career change? How to become a self-employed natural builder

    We’re approached a lot by people wanting to change career to one focused on one of the topics on our website. The most common topic is probably low-impact building. Read more

    Here’s how you can visit ‘superhomes’ – old houses that have been refurbished for energy efficiency

    Gordon Glass of SuperHomes | 13-Aug-2014 | 0

    ‘Superhomes’ is a project run by our old friends at the National Energy Foundation. In September there are open houses all over the country that you can visit to see what kinds of improvements the owners have made Read more

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