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    Raw / living food posts

    Wild foods you can forage in January

    At this time of year Nature appears to be still, sleeping perhaps. It’s a quiet month for gardeners and foragers alike but those who take time to look a little closer are delightfully rewarded with sweet promises of Spring Read more

    Why eat raw foods?

    A fast synopsis and gentle reminder of the power and necessity of incorporating raw foods in your diet for health and vibrancy… Read more

    Nettles glorious nettles… foraging tips and delicious recipes

    James Wood of Totally Wild UK | 13-May-2018 | 4

    Wild food author and foraging teacher James Wood explores one of the most common plants – nettles – and shares his wonderful recipes and tips for foraging. Read more

    Feeding the Human Power Plant: can calories be carbon-neutral?

    We take a look at the food it may take to fuel the great Human Power Plant, an experiment in the making where students of Utrecht University in the Netherlands will power their very own carbon-neutral accommodation block. Read more

    Omelettes, sticky ribs and Scotch eggs at the Midlands vegan festival next weekend

    The 10th annual West Midlands Vegan Festival is set to be a feast for your palette as well as your eyes. Taking place in Wolverhampton on 28th and 29th October, the event will feature a wide range of global vegan foods, the latest innovations in alternatives for dairy lovers plus the hottest vegan fashion, footwear… Continue reading Omelettes, sticky ribs and Scotch eggs at the Midlands vegan festival next weekend Read more

    Where do you stand on raw milk? Interview with ‘raw’ dairy farmer

    Nigel Akehurst of Indie Farmer | 26-Nov-2015 | 8

    If milk is going to be transported long distances and hanging about a lot rather than being sold locally and drunk quickly, there’s a strong argument for pasteurising it. But there is a growing number of people who are arguing that locally-produced milk doesn’t have to be. Read more

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