Info, news & debate



Live from the Real Farming Conference: why genetically-engineered food is about politics not science

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I’m at the Real Farming Conference in Oxford, and I’m writing this as a session on GM food is taking place. I’m sorry to have missed it, but I fell into a conversation until it was too late to join the session. However, I know someone who attended that session, and she’ll hopefully write a

Read more about Live from the Real Farming Conference: why genetically-engineered food is about politics not science


Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto

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I’m blogging from the Real Farming Conference in Oxford, in Oxford Town Hall. This is the seventh annual conference, set up as a counter to the corporate farming conference running at the university in Oxford. I wasn’t expecting such a huge affair – 850 attendees, with some fantastic sessions.

Read more about Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto


Can constantly-moving livestock help prevent desertification?

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Desertification is the process whereby grasslands slowly turn into deserts, and suggesting that we can help reverse this process with livestock sounds counter-intuitive, especially as livestock is usually named as one of the major contributors to desertification. In the video below, Allan Savory, who has spent a lifetime studying and working towards poverty eradication and wildlife conservation,

Read more about Can constantly-moving livestock help prevent desertification?


What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

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Making use of biological resources, or renewable resources and services as David Holmgren characterises them, is an important principle of Permaculture Design. ‘Renewable services (or passive functions) are those we gain from plants, animals and living soil and water without them being consumed.’

Read more about What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?


Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production

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There’s something seriously wrong with the way most of our food is produced and sold. The corporate sector is gaining control of more and more of global food production, shifting the focus from nutrition, flavour and nature towards profit and profit only.

Read more about Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production


Why does the planning system make it so difficult for people who want to live on the land sustainably?

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Being able to go through the process of making a planning application for a low impact development may be a sign that there has been some progress for those of us who have hitherto lived, to paraphrase, as outlaws on the planning frontier.

Read more about Why does the planning system make it so difficult for people who want to live on the land sustainably?


How a ‘chicken tractor’ can clear and improve soil, as well as getting rid of pests

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My vegetable field has some problems. It’s not that vegetables don’t grow there; over two seasons I’ve had some notable successes, it’s just that there’s verdant weed growth throughout, more slugs than you can shake a stick at, and the soil needs improving

Read more about How a ‘chicken tractor’ can clear and improve soil, as well as getting rid of pests

Communities in Scotland may soon be able to purchase land even if the landowner doesn’t want to sell; where do you stand?

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There are radical changes on the table when it comes to land ownership in Scotland. The Land Reform Scotland Bill is intended to address the huge disparity in land ownership in Scotland – but there is one clause that is making some people extremely hopeful, and other very worried.

Read more about Communities in Scotland may soon be able to purchase land even if the landowner doesn’t want to sell; where do you stand?


The price of the average wedding is now over £20k; how to do it for much less and give the finger to ‘Brides’ magazine

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Flanked by an advert for the Ocean Club honeymoon resort in the Bahamas, with young bride and groom toasting a glass of champagne, Brides – “the UK’s number 1 bridal magazine” announces to its readers that “Planning your wedding starts here”

Read more about The price of the average wedding is now over £20k; how to do it for much less and give the finger to ‘Brides’ magazine

Paul Jennings : his journey building a home on a smallholding in Wales under One Planet Development

One Planet Development arrested: my attempts to build a home on a smallholding in Wales

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We moved to Wales because of an extraordinary Welsh Government policy. I shan’t lie, despite all experience and political conviction to the contrary, we were optimistic. One Planet Development seemed to be the kind of advance for low impact living and sustainable land use that we had been hoping for

Read more about One Planet Development arrested: my attempts to build a home on a smallholding in Wales

dragonfly land co-op - sheep

Wanted: new members for a co-operative farm – you are invited to an exploratory weekend

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You are invited to Ffynnon Teilo Farm Activity Weekend, to explore creating a co-operative farm – Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th of September. Activities will include: pond clearing, footpath and step renovation, fire making, campsite cooking and farm tour. Camping space available Saturday night.

Read more about Wanted: new members for a co-operative farm – you are invited to an exploratory weekend