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    Plant fibres & textiles posts

    Rebuilding the flax / textile industry as a commons: Fantasy Fibre Mill

    Dave Darby of Stroud Commons and Lowimpact.org talks with Rosie Bristow and Nick Evans of Fantasy Fibre Mill, working to resurrect the flax / linen industry in the UK, as a commons. Read more

    Building back differently: peasant economics and heritage craft

    Eloise Sentito of These Isles | 16-Jul-2023 | 5

    If a fair share of the planet is a couple of ‘useful’ global hectares per individual, the planet could sustain about 10 billion people living primitively. Read more

    The return of local, natural fabrics and low-impact clothing

    A recent surge in small ethical brands marks a new wave of a textile economy with a lower impact on the earth. Below are ten places you can find UK-made low impact goods.   Read more

    Career change? Making a living from weaving

    Eloise Sentito of These Isles | 12-Sep-2021 | 1

    Career change? Making a living from weaving. At Lowimpact.org we’re interested in helping to bring production back to communities, and so we’re talking with craftspeople, smallholders, natural builders, renewables installers and small business owners in our range of topics. I’ll be asking them about their jobs, and for advice for people who might be interested… Continue reading Career change? Making a living from weaving Read more

    Making a netted bag using looped cordage with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 03-May-2018 | 0

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares how to make a netted bag using looped cordage and explores the history of using natural fibres to produce wild cordage. Read more

    The linen journey: locally-grown flax to yarn

    In a spin-off from The Wool Journey series of blog posts, The Natural Fibre Company shares The Linen Journey, in which Sonja Bargielowska explores flax’s journey from field to yarn. Read more

    How can we get our clothes from sustainable and non-corporate sources?

    This is an interview with Jessica Smulders-Cohen of Greater London Fibreshed, who are trying to build a network of small-scale clothes manufacturers using natural materials produced in the UK. Read more

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