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    Philosophy posts

    Reclaiming our ancient indigenous wisdom and a sense of ‘the village’

    Rebecca Card of Nature Wisdom | 03-Apr-2018 | 3

    I think I am unusual. I can find a confidence inside that allows me to take risks. This confidence allows me to initiate things that I feel passionate about and because I see their worth in the world. I can do this even if I think I don’t know what I’m doing. Read more

    Joy in enough: awakening to a new economics

    On 18th November last year there was a one-day workshop in Sheffield called “Joy in Enough – Awakening to a New Economics”. It was delivered by Green Christian who are a multi-denominational charity that have been operating for over thirty years. Read more

    Should we not mention what’s happening to the biosphere, in case it scares the mainstream?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 27-Aug-2017 | 14

    This is a question for anyone working in the field of environmental sustainability. What’s actually happening to the biosphere, how bad is it, and should we tell people or keep it quiet? Read more

    It’s worse than you think: review of Douglas Rushkoff’s ‘Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Aug-2017 | 0

    Here’s an article that’s part review of the latest book  by Douglas Rushkoff (buy it – it’s excellent), part ramble about twenty-first century capitalism. Read more

    B-corporations – yes or no?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 25-Jun-2017 | 52

    What do you consider the correct approach towards multinational corporations – tame them, or start to get rid of them? And what do we mean by ‘tame’ exactly? And what are the problems with multinational corporations in the first place? Read more

    Can you imagine a world without money? Summary of the ‘credit commons’ idea and how it could be achieved

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 21-May-2017 | 27

    Last week I blogged about a potentially world-changing idea that could be labelled ‘credit commons’, or the catchy ‘global mutual credit system’. It’s a system of exchange that involves no money. It’s difficult to grasp at first, but the more you think about it, the more you realise that a) it’s implementable, and b) if… Continue reading Can you imagine a world without money? Summary of the ‘credit commons’ idea and how it could be achieved Read more

    How money causes poverty (plus war and ecological destruction), and what could replace it

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-May-2017 | 57

    Exchange has always been part of the human story, whether between individuals, tribes or nations. Some people have what others don’t, due to geography or skill, and exchange is a means of getting what you don’t have, and giving what you have a surplus of. Read more

    Is democracy obsolete, and can we ever achieve it as long as we have to keep feeding ‘the beast’?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 16-Mar-2017 | 3

    In the West, there’s a word that usually accompanies ‘democracy’, and that word is ‘liberal’. Liberal democracies – that’s what we have in the West. That’s liberal, as in liberty / freedom; and that’s certainly what classical liberalism stood for in its infancy. Read more

    Why self-reliance is so important as part of a secure, low-impact life

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 04-Mar-2017 | 0

    I am Andy Reynolds, a long-term practitioner of low-impact living, smallholder, author, forester, teacher, carpenter, builder. I’ve been working with Lowimpact.org since the early noughties, and I’d like to share my philosophy on self-reliance with you. Read more

    How to misrepresent Adam Smith: review of P. J. O’Rourke’s ‘On the Wealth of Nations’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Feb-2017 | 0

    I don’t know if you’re familiar with P. J., but he’s an excellent writer, and he’s extremely, acerbically funny. With this book, as with his Give War a Chance, several times he made me spit my tea out and have to stop to wipe tea off the page. Read more

    Is modern life a mistake?

    Paul Edwards of Sodium Haze | 09-Feb-2017 | 5

    I was back recently in my old stomping ground of Bicester in Oxfordshire – it was not a happy visit. Read more

    Is a Permaculture world achievable, and if so, why are we moving in the opposite direction?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 31-Jan-2017 | 22

    Every species has to live in harmony with nature, and humans are no exception. The alternative is gruesome and very short-term. Our ultimate and most valuable treasures are the soil and the sea. They provide all our food Read more

    Ecology as theology: religion must oppose the destruction of nature

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 13-Jan-2017 | 12

    The vast majority of the world’s population subscribe to a religion. According to Pew Research, although the number of people unaffiliated with a particular faith will increase by 2050, as a percentage, this group will fall from 16% now to 13% in 2050 Read more

    What are the roots of right and left thinking, and can we unite left and right against corporate power?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Jan-2017 | 12

    Why do people who consider themselves ‘left-wing’ seem to embrace a raft of policies that appear unrelated? For example, if you’re of the left, and you believe in (say) progressive taxation, why should that also mean that you believe in gun control, or Read more

    Is the quest for perpetual economic growth the witch-burning of our times, and could this be the year we start to challenge it?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Jan-2017 | 10

    Johannes Kepler was one of the major figures in the 17th century Scientific Revolution. In his day, people were grappling with the question of whether the earth was the centre of the universe, as the Church said it was, or whether it was just another planet, revolving around the Sun Read more

    Review of ‘Extinction: A Radical History’ by Ashley Dawson

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Dec-2016 | 3

    I tend to look out for new books on extinction – I think species extinction is the clearest indicator of what’s happening to ecology, and the thing that will precipitate its collapse unless we stop it. Read more

    Dear Fidel Castro…

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Dec-2016 | 5

    I believe that you were a great man – whatever you did, you did because of passion and integrity, not because of a thirst for money or power. But you had the wrong plan. Read more

    What good might come from a Trump presidency?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Dec-2016 | 15

    Donald Trump says that when men get together in locker-rooms (or on buses), they ‘talk like that’ with each other. But they don’t – I have male friends, and if one of them talked to me ‘like that’, it would be the end of our friendship. Read more

    The US presidential election is a circus, and the sooner we realise that power lies elsewhere the better

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Nov-2016 | 2

    As Adam Curtis recently explained, governments are no longer for deciding how we live, or for building a better society – they have slowly morphed into institutions for managing the affairs of the finance sector. Read more

    Review of Adam Curtis’s new movie ‘Hypernormalisation’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Oct-2016 | 0

    Adam Curtis has a new movie out – Hypernormalisation, about how, due to ‘perception management’, what we see as ‘normal’ is anything but – and you can see it for free on BBC iPlayer. Read more

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