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    Philosophy posts

    The left vs right battle: 5. how ‘new economy’ thinking can unite left & right

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 27-Dec-2021 | 3

    In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’ve been trying to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this spectrum… Continue reading The left vs right battle: 5. how ‘new economy’ thinking can unite left & right Read more

    The left vs right battle: 4. what left & right have in common

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Dec-2021 | 0

    In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this… Continue reading The left vs right battle: 4. what left & right have in common Read more

    The left vs right battle: 3. why left vs right is so harmful

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Dec-2021 | 0

    In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this… Continue reading The left vs right battle: 3. why left vs right is so harmful Read more

    The left vs right battle: 2. the roots of left and right thinking

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 02-Dec-2021 | 7

    In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this… Continue reading The left vs right battle: 2. the roots of left and right thinking Read more

    The left vs right battle: 1. the meaning of left and right

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Nov-2021 | 10

    In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this… Continue reading The left vs right battle: 1. the meaning of left and right Read more

    Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Oct-2021 | 9

    I was introduced to an interesting academic paper recently, in which Professor Jem Bendell explained that his predictions of societal collapse have been criticised by some in academia because they will engender fear, depression and apathy, which will harm our chances of solving environmental problems. Read more

    Does ‘system change’ advocacy mean ‘anti-capitalism’?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Oct-2021 | 13

    What I mean by system change is system replacement, rather than system tweaking (aka ‘prolonging the agony’). This raises (not begs – please, not begs) three questions: Read more

    Where’s the problem – politics, economy or population?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 22-Aug-2021 | 5

    Below are some things that I believe, some that I don’t believe and some that I know. Do you believe similar things? If so, stay in touch. Alternatives are being built – change is coming. Nothing stays the same forever. Read more

    Our response to: “why don’t you start a political party?”

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Aug-2021 | 16

    There’s a question we often hear: “why don’t you start a political party?” Sometimes this is genuine, and enthusiastic, but often it’s snarky, as in: “why don’t you stop sniping on the sidelines and put your ideas to the masses, who can vote for you if they like them? Then you can implement your proposals.… Continue reading Our response to: “why don’t you start a political party?” Read more

    Building your own sustainable future

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 14-Jul-2021 | 2

    Hi. I’m Andy Reynolds – author, instructor, forester, promoter of self-reliance, and for the last few years I have been reflecting on our project’s progression, as it seems to have reached the stage of early maturity. The project – rebuilding a home, and changing the surrounding fields from dead agricultural land into an oasis of… Continue reading Building your own sustainable future Read more

    John Thackara: ‘Strange’ ideas don’t sound so strange in strange times

    John Thackara of Thackara.com | 13-Jun-2021 | 3

    This is part 2 of a conversation with John Thackara. In part 1 we talked about what the future might hold for humanity, and here we talk about what our responses might be. ‘Strange’ ideas might be required for strange times. Read more

    John Thackara: What does the future hold for humanity?

    John Thackara of Thackara.com | 30-May-2021 | 13

    This is part 1 of a conversation with John Thackara – senior fellow of the Royal College of Art, visiting professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, founder and director of the Doors of Perception sustainable design conferences, and author of many books, including How to Thrive in the Next Economy. Read more

    ‘Mutualism’ will supersede traditional left vs right politics

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-May-2021 | 0

    Nature, democracy and community aren’t partisan issues. No-one sensible, of any political persuasion, speaks out against them. They’re essential for human well-being. But they’re being destroyed, and disunity wastes energy and prevents us from being able to do anything about it. Read more

    Are squirrels or pigeons ‘food’, and should we reintroduce pine martens?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 15-Nov-2020 | 86

    OK, so this isn’t really about squirrels or pigeons – it’s about any animal; we’re back to the veganism vs meat-eating discussion. But just focusing on squirrels and pigeons for the moment, I guess everyone accepts that they are of course food for other animals. They’re in a food chain, after all. Pine martens don’t… Continue reading Are squirrels or pigeons ‘food’, and should we reintroduce pine martens? Read more

    Are power hierarchies inevitable in human society?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 25-Oct-2020 | 5

    Just to be clear, I’m only talking about institutional, power hierarchies here, not hierarchies based on beauty, knowledge, intelligence, ability, respect etc. Those hierarchies are inevitable, of course, and life would probably be quite boring without them. Read more

    My tribute to David Graeber: please read his words

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Sep-2020 | 2

    Maybe David Graeber’s death can challenge us to take a few minutes to think about the demonisation of the word anarchism. I believe that the two fundamental assumptions of anarchism are correct – that: Read more

    Beware the ‘Great Reset’: a power grab by billionaires

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 02-Aug-2020 | 19

    The world is run by and for billionaires. If you’d prefer it to be run democratically, for all of us, then don’t be fooled by the ‘Great Reset’ – a request by the corporate and financial sectors for governments to give them taxpayers’ money to take more control. Read more

    Why ‘green growth’ is an oxymoron: Brian Czech of CASSE

    Brian Czech of CASSE | 26-Jul-2020 | 0

    This is part 2 of an interview with Brian Czech (part 1 is here), the president of CASSE (Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy). He served in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1999-2017, and as a visiting professor of natural resource economics in Virginia Tech’s National Capitol Region. Read more

    Interview with Brian Czech: the impossibility of a perpetually-growing economy

    Brian Czech of CASSE | 17-May-2020 | 0

    Today I’m talking with Brian Czech, the president of CASSE (Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy). He served in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1999-2017, and as a visiting professor of natural resource economics in Virginia Tech’s National Capitol Region. He is the author of Supply Shock, Shoveling Fuel for… Continue reading Interview with Brian Czech: the impossibility of a perpetually-growing economy Read more

    Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Apr-2020 | 14

    There’s been a lot of talk about ‘thanking’ coronavirus for giving us the breathing space to re-evaluate, and for giving nature some breathing space too. This isn’t one of those articles. I don’t find it compassionate to thank a virus that’s killing thousands of people, and closing millions of small businesses, allowing Amazon to hoover… Continue reading Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal Read more

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