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    Personal development posts

    Would you like to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Co-op?

    As we prepare our smallholder application process for our next sites in East Sussex, the Gower and Somerset (all going well with planning permission!) we would like to find out some more information about our potential smallholders. Read more

    ‘Homegrown well-being’ and alternatives to corporate drug companies: interview with GP Simon Lennane

    Another of our interviews, first posted on NonCorporate.org, with people working on providing alternatives to multinational corporations – this time in the health sector. Read more

    Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?

    Staci Sylvan of Heartwood | 24-May-2018 | 6

    Heartwood Community is seeking energetic, reliable and committed people to join their intentional community in South West Wales. It’s over to Staci from here to tell us more. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 3: how does nature come to be regarded as kith and kin?

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 20-May-2018 | 0

    In the third part of Jo Cartmell’s mini meadow series, she asks just how it is that Nature comes to be regarded as kith and kin and explores the importance of establishing a true connection with Nature from a young age. Read more

    Free build camp to construct a roundwood timber-framed barn with living roof for a community organisation

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 16-Apr-2018 | 0

    This is a REAL, FULL BUILD on-site, so we need everyone taking part in this free build camp to be physically fit, strong and competent with tools. You will also need to be robust and self-sufficient as we’ll be living outdoors in basic conditions. 18yrs +. Read more

    Life in an intentional community – a healthier and more sustainable way to live

    If I hadn’t fired up my vision to form and live in an intentional community some 45 years ago I wouldn’t have learnt cheese making, selected and planted an orchard of rare species of fruit trees, co-organized arts festivals, learnt and practiced conflict resolution and given my three sons an opportunity to broaden their horizons. Read more

    How we escaped suburbia by embracing exchange and life on the road

    Visual artist Emma Moody-Smith shares the story of how she and her partner Shawn have spent the past 9 years downshifting, swapping suburban England for life in a motorhome and, crucially, embracing exchange. Here she offers insight and advice to others looking to do the same. Read more

    Reclaiming our ancient indigenous wisdom and a sense of ‘the village’

    Rebecca Card of Nature Wisdom | 03-Apr-2018 | 3

    I think I am unusual. I can find a confidence inside that allows me to take risks. This confidence allows me to initiate things that I feel passionate about and because I see their worth in the world. I can do this even if I think I don’t know what I’m doing. Read more

    Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

    Ele Waters of Pentiddy | 18-Mar-2018 | 0

    Having been WWOOF hosts for over 10 years we have decided to expand what we offer to provide a more focused and valuable experience. The Pentiddy Woods Internship is an opportunity to join our family for 9 months living off-grid on an established experimental woodland smallholding. Read more

    Opportunity to live very close to nature, rent-free, in an Irish intentional community and education centre

    Mark Boyle of the Happy Pig | 13-Mar-2018 | 25

    There are two rent-free bedrooms available (one immediately, one soon) in the farmhouse at An Teach Saor. But this is not a place for people who want to save money. It’s a place for people who want to radically reduce their dependency on it all together. Read more

    Who can afford artisan goods? For truly green businesses, we have to kick the money habit

    Eloise Sentito of These Isles | 11-Mar-2018 | 25

    Hi, how’s business? As an artisan working with wool, January and February are usually peak season for me, but this year they’ve been the worst months on my records, despite the big freeze. Read more

    Sunflower Cohousing community looking for members

    Our journey into community living started one evening in the Summer of 2009 when we were grouped around a campfire with friends discussing possible future lifestyle alternatives. Read more

    Fancy volunteering for the summer at an off-grid, Ecological Land Coop smallholding?

    Hi – we are James and Sukamala, tenants at Wild Geese Acres, Greenham Reach, which is an off-grid, low-impact farming project established in north Devon by the Ecological Land Coop  (ELC) – see website. http://ecologicalland.coop. Read more

    How you can gain natural building skills for your own build for free, and help put up affordable, natural, community buildings

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 20-Feb-2018 | 4

    Some great ideas from Adrian at Wholewoods. Below are several ways that you can get your hands dirty and gain natural building skills for free, whilst helping to erect beautiful, affordable, natural buildings for schools, charities or educational organisations. Read more

    Webinar: a non-techie’s adventures with cryptocurrencies – a step-by-step guide to setting up a wallet and trading in Litecoin

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 02-Feb-2018 | 4

    This is the first of a series of webinars on specific aspects of the money system and various alternatives to it. Read more

    We’re running a series of webinars on how we might change the money system – starting with cryptocurrencies

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Feb-2018 | 3

    We’re determined to spread the word that any attempts to move towards a more sustainable and democratic world are doomed to failure if they don’t address the money system. Read more

    Joy in enough: awakening to a new economics

    On 18th November last year there was a one-day workshop in Sheffield called “Joy in Enough – Awakening to a New Economics”. It was delivered by Green Christian who are a multi-denominational charity that have been operating for over thirty years. Read more

    Debate: how sustainable can an eco-hotel and permaculture community be if it’s for Brits in Portugal?

    We were approached by Peter to ask if we would help promote a proposed eco-holiday complex and permaculture settlement in Portugal. I replied that I didn’t think we could, as I have strong reservations about this kind of eco-hotel development, and explained why. Peter came back with some counter-arguments, and I asked him whether he’d… Continue reading Debate: how sustainable can an eco-hotel and permaculture community be if it’s for Brits in Portugal? Read more

    Want to help set up a community-supported agriculture scheme, Jan-Apr, and stay in a yurt next to a river?

    Are you feeling like you need a change of scenery for a little while? Feel like you would like to be out in the countryside more? Well how about staying in a cosy yurt with a log burner by the river Avon Read more

    The Ecological Land Co-op are currently recruiting for two new roles

    The Ecological Land Cooperative (ELC) is a social enterprise based in Brighton, East Sussex. They exist to create affordable access to land for new entrants to ecological agriculture and mixed farming. Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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