Info, news & debate


Is technology the problem?

Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan

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This is a conversation between Dave Darby of and Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan. Dave (K) is opposed to the ‘technocracy’ that he describes as the root cause of environmental destruction and lack of democracy.

Read more about Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan

Teetering on the edge of an ecological collapse

12 reasons why people refuse to address the idea that we’re headed for near-term societal collapse

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The starting point for a generative discussion of the deep adaptation agenda is a difficult one. Because to begin to rigorously and imaginatively discuss this topic first requires us to accept the likelihood of near term societal collapse.

Read more about 12 reasons why people refuse to address the idea that we’re headed for near-term societal collapse

Public intellectual Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson talks some sense, but he’s wrong about two very important things

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Jordan Peterson is provocative, interesting and a formidable opponent in debates and interviews. He doesn’t interrupt, he thinks carefully about people’s points, he doesn’t run away from difficult arguments (or difficult people) and he’s helped a lot of people to rescue their damaged lives.

Read more about Jordan Peterson talks some sense, but he’s wrong about two very important things

Can you imagine a world without money?

Can you imagine a world without money? Summary of the ‘credit commons’ idea and how it could be achieved

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Last week I blogged about a potentially world-changing idea that could be labelled ‘credit commons’, or the catchy ‘global mutual credit system’. It’s a system of exchange that involves no money. It’s difficult to grasp at first, but the more you think about it, the more you realise that a) it’s implementable, and b) if

Read more about Can you imagine a world without money? Summary of the ‘credit commons’ idea and how it could be achieved

How money causes poverty (plus war and ecological destruction), and what could replace it

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Exchange has always been part of the human story, whether between individuals, tribes or nations. Some people have what others don’t, due to geography or skill, and exchange is a means of getting what you don’t have, and giving what you have a surplus of.

Read more about How money causes poverty (plus war and ecological destruction), and what could replace it