Info, news & debate
My mutual credit journey (and how you can join in the fun)
I often trawl the web just speculatively looking for new people or new ideas, clicking on links from interesting sites. TEDx talks are a favourite. A few years ago I came across an intriguing TEDx talk by Professor Jem Bendell called ‘the Money Myth’.
Living together 3: company limited by shares – Martin Prosser of Sunflower Cohousing
This article is the result of a discussion with Martin Prosser of Sunflower Cohousing in France. It’s the third in a series of articles about setting up alternative, co-operative living arrangements – cohousing, community land trusts, housing co-ops, intentional communities etc.
Taking the food sector from corporate supermarkets: interview with Maresa Bossano, co-ordinator of the UK Community-Supported Agriculture Network
This week we’re talking with Maresa Bossano, who is the co-ordinator for the Community-Supported Agriculture Network in the UK.
Living together 2: community land trust – interview with Monica King of Bridport Cohousing
This is the first in a series of interviews with people involved in setting up alternative, co-operative living arrangements – cohousing, community land trusts, housing co-ops, intentional communities etc. A group of us in London hope to gather information to help us start our own project.
Would you like to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Co-op?
As we prepare our smallholder application process for our next sites in East Sussex, the Gower and Somerset (all going well with planning permission!) we would like to find out some more information about our potential smallholders.
Join the Land Justice Network national gathering on 18 August in Sheffield
The Land Justice Network national gathering is your chance to learn about their work campaigning for land reform and to together help plan next steps.
Interested in building with straw? Don’t miss The Big Straw Bale Gathering!
It’s not too late to join the biggest straw-bale building event of the year this August in Swansea. Jeffrey Hart of SBUK tells us about how you can get involved, learning all about building with straw from an impressive line-up of speakers to hands-on workshops.
Living together 1: exploring the options for starting a cohousing project
My partner and I have decided that we want to sell our house and come together with other people to create some sort of cohousing / community living project. But how many other people? And where will it be? Will it be a new-build project, or will it involve converting or combining an existing propery …
‘Homegrown well-being’ and alternatives to corporate drug companies: interview with GP Simon Lennane
Another of our interviews, first posted on, with people working on providing alternatives to multinational corporations – this time in the health sector.
How the corporate banking system transfers wealth from the poor to the wealthy, without anyone noticing
Herman Daly has been one of my heroes since I read Steady State Economics as a young man. I’m re-posting a blog article of his, originally posted on the website of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) in the US, because it’s a simple description of how it concentrates wealth …
The Wool Journey Part 10: using traditional carding machines
In the tenth installment of The Wool Journey with Sue Blacker at The Natural Fibre Company, we learn about the next stage of preparing wool to spin, using traditional carding machines.
Models of repopulation: bringing low-impact living to life in rural Europe
We hear from yurt and tent builders and suppliers Spirits Intent about their new mission to revive low-impact living and rural economies in southern Europe through the Heartland Association.
Off Grid Festival 2018: another world is possible
Roxy Piper tells us all about this year’s Off Grid Festival, taking place from 9-12th August in the historic Tapeley Park and Gardens in North Devon, with the theme of Seven Generation Stewardship.
Announcing the launch of – how to move away from multinational corporations
We’re pleased to announce the launch of – our sister site, dedicated to helping people move away from multinational corporations (MNCs) for everything they need.
Jordan Peterson talks some sense, but he’s wrong about two very important things
Jordan Peterson is provocative, interesting and a formidable opponent in debates and interviews. He doesn’t interrupt, he thinks carefully about people’s points, he doesn’t run away from difficult arguments (or difficult people) and he’s helped a lot of people to rescue their damaged lives.
Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?
Heartwood Community is seeking energetic, reliable and committed people to join their intentional community in South West Wales. It’s over to Staci from here to tell us more.
Public debate on capitalism: what happened and what I learnt
You may remember that I was invited to take part in a public debate in London recently (see here) about whether capitalism is ‘the best system for a sustainable future’. I was asked to deliver the ‘no’ position.
Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 3: how does nature come to be regarded as kith and kin?
In the third part of Jo Cartmell’s mini meadow series, she asks just how it is that Nature comes to be regarded as kith and kin and explores the importance of establishing a true connection with Nature from a young age.
The two roads to serfdom: how neoliberals misrepresent Hayek
I recently went to visit a friend in Germany by train, and as I packed my bag, I looked around for a book to throw in, to read on the way. The one I plumped for was the Road to Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek, Mrs. Thatcher’s (and Ronald Reagan’s) guru.
How to make a chicken coop from a repurposed plastic barrel
Wooden chicken houses can be a nightmare, especially when they are infested with red mite: hiding in every crack and crevice and tormenting your hens. Those recycled plastic chicken houses can be expensive though and even they have some design flaws!