Info, news & debate
The Wool Journey Part 12: spinning at last!
In Part 12 of The Wool Journey, spinning commences at the Natural Fibre Company mill in Cornwall. Over to Sue Blacker to tell us more…
Why natural soap is naturally better, for your skin and for the planet
When is soap not really soap? More often than you might think. Bas de Vries of Quincessentials explores why natural soap is naturally better.
The Wool Journey Part 11: which yarn to make?
Sue Blacker of The Natural Fibre Company continues The Wool Journey with the all of important question: which yarn to make?
We’re launching a national mutual credit scheme and here’s why we’d like you to join
We’re working with other groups, including, the Credit Commons Collective and author Tom Greco to build a UK-wide mutual credit network.
Of watermelons and apples: climate breakdown, growth, trade, state and money (an open letter to George Monbiot)
Dear George, Congratulations on your contribution to the Moral Maze last week – I switched on the radio just as your volley articulating the ideological differentiation between fiscal and legal rationing fairly seared the waves.
Is the Western mindset the source of our current ecological and social problems?
What was it about European cultural development that led to the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, capitalism and environmental destruction? Why didn’t it happen in the apparently much more fertile ground of China, India or the Arab world?
Are you ‘radical’, and if not, why not?
I’m using the original definition of the word, not its bastardisation that over the years has come to be used as a kind of insult in some circles. I’ve been called ‘too radical’, and I want to show why that’s an absurdity.
Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan
This is a conversation between Dave Darby of and Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan. Dave (K) is opposed to the ‘technocracy’ that he describes as the root cause of environmental destruction and lack of democracy.
How could we build a viable alternative to the current, bank-controlled money system? Interview with Matthew Slater of the Credit Commons Collective
This week we’re talking with Matthew Slater of the Credit Commons Collective, working to build a mutualist, credit-based alternative to the current money system.
Want better food for all? The Good Food Good Farming march is for you.
The Landworkers’ Alliance are joining with others to call for an Agriculture Bill that provides access to healthy sustainable food for all. Join them on Sunday 14 October as they head to Westminster for the Good Food Good Farming March.
A woodland classroom for north London – help OrganicLea make it happen!
OrganicLea are planning a woodland classroom but need your help to make it happen. Craig Bayne tells us more about how you can get involved with this fantastic opportunity to create more space for nature-based learning and food growing skills in north east London.
Celebrate a bumper harvest at a CSA Open Day this autumn
We hear from Maresa Bossano about the CSA Open Day events promising fun, friendship and the opportunity to learn about your local community farm this autumn.
Living together 5: commonhold for cohousing projects – interview with Peter Burke of A Fairer Society
This week we’re talking with Peter Burke of A Fairer Society, a consultancy for people thinking about setting up some sort of cohousing project, from housing co-ops to community land trusts.
The National Permaculture Convergence is heading for Hulme
We hear from Permaculture Association’s Dan Hurring about the 2018 National Permaculture Convergence, running 20-23 September in Hulme, Manchester. Will you be there?
12 reasons why people refuse to address the idea that we’re headed for near-term societal collapse
The starting point for a generative discussion of the deep adaptation agenda is a difficult one. Because to begin to rigorously and imaginatively discuss this topic first requires us to accept the likelihood of near term societal collapse.
In London and grow grapes? Join a community wine-making scheme!
Calling all London grape growers – you’re invited to join the Community Wine Making Scheme run by OrganicLea.
What might buildings, settlements and even regions look like through the lens of Permaculture design?
This is the transcript of a talk given by Paul Jennings to the recent SBUK Big Straw Bale Gathering. Paul has built his straw-bale family home on a ‘One-Planet Development’ smallholding in Wales (costing £12,000).
The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance
This week we’re talking with Oli Rodker, founder director of the Ecological Land Co-operative and the Landworkers’ Alliance, about his work, and how we might change the nature of land ownership in the UK, where 0.06% of the population own 50% of rural land in England and Wales, according to the Country Land & Business …
How to make your own scallop shell candles
Richard Phillips of The Soap Kitchen shares how you can make your very own scallop shell candles at home with just three simple ingredients and a bit of elbow grease…
Living together 4: how to turn a row of terraced houses into a housing co-op
This week we’re talking with Rick Watson, who has been a member of Fireside Housing Co-op in Sheffield since 2010. They’ve purchased and co-operativised 5 adjoining houses on a terraced street.