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    Beyond navigation: three great uses of maps

    From archaeology to folklore and more, Sean Fagan of Pioneer Bushcraft sets out three great uses of maps beyond the obvious. Read more

    Interested in building with straw? Don’t miss The Big Straw Bale Gathering!

    It’s not too late to join the biggest straw-bale building event of the year this August in Swansea. Jeffrey Hart of SBUK tells us about how you can get involved, learning all about building with straw from an impressive line-up of speakers to hands-on workshops. Read more

    Why I walk: a conversation with a walking guide

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 09-Nov-2017 | 2

    Walking is as old as the hills, and yet so many aren’t getting out in their local areas. On a sunny October afternoon, with the backdrop of birdsong, I spoke to walking guide Emma Cunis about her story with walking and what she offers as Dartmoor’s Daughter; where she runs walks and nature connection events… Continue reading Why I walk: a conversation with a walking guide Read more

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