Info, news & debate

The ‘nature problem’

How not to build a movement, as demonstrated by Chris Saltmarsh

We thought you might like this extraordinary defence of Deep Adaptation by Matthew Slater. Last year, he and Extinction Rebellion co-founder Skeena Rathor, authored a chapter in Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos; last month it was reviewed by newcomer Chris Saltmarsh, the champion of Jeremy Corbyn’s Green New Deal proposals and author of ‘Burnt’.

Read more about How not to build a movement, as demonstrated by Chris Saltmarsh

Toward co-operative commonwealth: transition in a perilous century

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A while ago, we interviewed Pat Conaty, author, academic and stalwart of system change activism. We talked about how to grow the ‘co-operative commonwealth’ and about what constitutes the ‘commons’ in the 21st century. Pat is now part of the Synergia Institute, who have put together a MOOC for those of you involved with social and environmental change, and frustrated at the lack of real change we can see around us.

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IPCC climate report: perpetual GDP growth is unsustainable

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The Systems Change Alliance share our view at that the climate change problem can’t be solved within the current economic system, which requires and generates perpetual growth and wealth concentration. Here, Roar Bjonnes explains that it’s capitalism’s growth imperative that renders it forever unsustainable. With COP26 over, a leaked report from the IPCC (The

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Stop greenwashing of aviation: 1. efficiency

Stop greenwashing of aviation: 1. efficiency improvements

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Over the next five weeks we’ll be publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. We’d like to help expose the greenwashing of the aviation industry. First up – efficiency improvements: the lie that aviation can become carbon-neutral via ever-greater aircraft efficiency, reducing the need for

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Teetering on the edge of an ecological collapse

Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

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I was introduced to an interesting academic paper recently, in which Professor Jem Bendell explained that his predictions of societal collapse have been criticised by some in academia because they will engender fear, depression and apathy, which will harm our chances of solving environmental problems.

Read more about Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

Sacred forests of Ethiopia: how they can be recreated anywhere

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In these days of gloom and confusion it is good to remember that our world is not ONE continuous story where everything inexorably gets worse – or better – but that our world is full of many stories that are unfolding in parallel. This weekend I was uplifted by the moving account of the holy

Read more about Sacred forests of Ethiopia: how they can be recreated anywhere