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    Nature awareness posts

    Local, community-based measures to prevent drought in arid regions

    El Habib Ben Amara of Water21 | 08-Apr-2024 | 1

    El Habib Ben Amara, an architect and urban designer from a tribal ksar (fortified oasis) in Algeria, who’s been working with a partner of ours. He’s an activist against desertification and one of the foremost authorities on sustainable water management in the Sahara. Read more

    What’s happening to hedgerows in 2024?

    Once famed as a green and pleasant land for its verdant and varied habitat, the UK now ranks as one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. This comes as no surprise to those with an interest in the countryside who have witnessed what has happened to it. Compounding the corruptions of big business… Continue reading What’s happening to hedgerows in 2024? Read more

    Community Orchards – tragedy or victory of the commons?

    Community orchards at their best are many things at once: a social space, a coming together of people to work together on a common task; a celebration of the abundant harvest of fruit; a haven for wildlife and a pocket of biodiversity. Read more

    Rewilding or local food production?

    We like the idea of rewilding, but it needs much more thought when it removes good UK lowland farmland – because then, obviously, land elsewhere will have to brought into agricultural production to take up the slack. Read more

    More Sustainable (and Beautiful) Alternatives to a Grass Lawn

    Ideas from the American NRDC about how to develop a sustainable alternative for your lawn. Read more

    Preparing for new growth at Imbolc

    How the Celtic festival of Imbolc can inspire new growth. Read more

    Not so nasty nettle – an honourable compendium for an overlooked plant!

    Recipes for the humble nettle. Read how to pick, choose and cook with this overlooked plant. Read more

    Hedgelaying and culture wars

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 22-Dec-2021 | 0

    Nick Mann bemoans the fact that many concerned about conservation are opposing hedgelaying on social media because of a perception that it’s damaging to plants and wildlife. Read more

    Sacred forests of Ethiopia: how they can be recreated anywhere

    In these days of gloom and confusion it is good to remember that our world is not ONE continuous story where everything inexorably gets worse – or better – but that our world is full of many stories that are unfolding in parallel. This weekend I was uplifted by the moving account of the holy… Continue reading Sacred forests of Ethiopia: how they can be recreated anywhere Read more

    Establishing urban orchards to benefit people, communities and nature

    The Orchard Project are a superb group establishing and maintaining urban community orchards. The are beneficial in so many ways, including biodiversity, community cohesion, local food, carbon storage and human well-being. Here, they explain an approach called ‘nature-based solutions’. Read more

    August forage of the month with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 18-Aug-2021 | 0

    Nettles are a truly amazing plant. I recently found out about the ‘super food’ that is nettle seeds, and have been making the most of the nettle patch at the end of the garden ever since. Read more

    Nests and baskets: were birds the first basketmakers?

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 21-Apr-2021 | 1

    Featuring weavers, dunnocks and wrens, Ruby Taylor of Native Hands reflects on nests and baskets, asking if birds were the first basketmakers. Read more

    For the love of trees: my musings on trees

    Sean Fagan of Pioneer Bushcraft brings the outdoors to life as he shares his musings on trees and why it is he loves them so. Read more

    WWF shocking report on wildlife, and why the response will be inadequate

    Brian Czech of CASSE | 20-Sep-2020 | 0

    It’s been a while since wildlife—not just a species here or there but wildlife at large—has been front and center in the news. Usually the biggest environmental news pertains to climate change at the global level, or local pollution problems such as lead in the water pipes. “Biodiversity” gained traction as an issue in the… Continue reading WWF shocking report on wildlife, and why the response will be inadequate Read more

    The Wool Carder bee – and why it’s one of my favourites

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 29-Jul-2020 | 0

    Which are your favourite species of bee? For Nick Mann of Habitat Aid, ranking high among them is the Wool Carder bee. Read more

    Sowing wildflower seed onto grass

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 17-Jun-2020 | 0

    Keen to transform your lawn into a wildflower meadow but not sure how? Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his guide to sowing wildflower seed onto grass. Read more

    May – June forage of the month with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 10-Jun-2020 | 0

    Elderflower fritters, anyone? Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shows us how to make a delicious early summer delicacy in her May – June forage of the month. Read more

    Blossom, blossom and more blossom!

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 27-May-2020 | 0

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid charts a five month journey of beautiful blossom and how people and pollinators alike can benefit from its bounty. Read more

    The 12 principles of permaculture: a way forward

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 20-May-2020 | 0

    We share a guest post from Ethical.net, in which Elizabeth Waddington sets out the twelve principles of permaculture. There’s plenty more to it than gardening, we promise! Read more

    April forage of the month with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 28-Apr-2020 | 0

    In her April forage of the month, Ruby Taylor of Native Hands takes the sting out of nettles with a delicious soup recipe. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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