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    Natural soaps posts

    Great ways to reduce plastic use in your home: Part 2 – cleaning products and toiletries

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 28-Oct-2020 | 0

    The second instalment on plastic reduction from Ethical.net takes us through cutting plastic use in our cleaning products and toiletries, with a focus on making your own using the simplest of recipes. Read more

    How to make your own shampoo bar with neem oil and nettle

    Tempted to learn how to make your own shampoo bar? Here’s a great simple recipe from The Soap Kitchen, which combines nettle and neem oil. Read more

    How to make your own sustainable cleaning products

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 06-May-2020 | 3

    Wondering how to make your own sustainable cleaning products? Our friends at Ethical.net are here to help, with useful tips galore and a recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar. Read more

    Why natural soap is naturally better, for your skin and for the planet

    When is soap not really soap? More often than you might think. Bas de Vries of Quincessentials explores why natural soap is naturally better. Read more

    Ten top tips for running a market stall or craft fayre stall

    Today we’re sharing ten tips for running a market stall or craft fayre stall from the folks behind The Soap Kitchen. Read more

    Meet madder, woad & weld: traditional dye plants of Europe

    In this post, textile artist Teresinha Roberts of Wild Colours tells us all about the top three European dye plants for use in natural dyeing: madder, woad and weld. Read more

    Earth.Food.Love: the story of the UK’s first zero-waste shop

    Nicola and Richard Eckersley, founders of Earth.Food.Love, share their journey to pioneering the UK’s first zero-waste shop in Totnes, Devon. Read more

    My plastic-free life: an interview with Kate Armstrong

    You may remember from our post in May that the month of June marks The Marine Conservation Society’s Plastic Challenge. But what is it actually like to give up plastic? We spoke to campaigner Kate Armstrong of plasticisrubbish.com about her decade-long journey towards and campaign for a plastic-free existence. Read more

    Why the ‘natural’ in natural soaps is so important

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Apr-2017 | 0

    True soaps can be made from a range of oils and butters which come from plants, trees and in the case of some oils such as tallow and lard, from animals. These oils and butters are chemically classed as mild acids. Read more

    Starting your own business: how to sell hand-made soaps

    Want to start selling your home-made soap? Katrina McKenzie of Small World Soaps explains how to sell hand-made soaps in the UK and turn your hobby into a business. Read more

    Why some soap-makers refuse to use palm oil and how you can help them

    Lowimpact.org: Hi Katrina – you make and sell soaps that don’t contain any palm oil. We wanted to talk to you about why you came to that decision, and what you use instead. To start, what is palm oil used for in soap making? Read more

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