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    Natural cleaning posts

    Eco-friendly surface cleaner

    Ryan Bomzer of Carved Culture | 07-Dec-2023 | 0

    A simple recipe for home made surface cleaner using natural ingredients. Read more

    Great ways to reduce plastic use in your home: Part 2 – cleaning products and toiletries

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 28-Oct-2020 | 0

    The second instalment on plastic reduction from Ethical.net takes us through cutting plastic use in our cleaning products and toiletries, with a focus on making your own using the simplest of recipes. Read more

    How to make your own sustainable cleaning products

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 06-May-2020 | 3

    Wondering how to make your own sustainable cleaning products? Our friends at Ethical.net are here to help, with useful tips galore and a recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar. Read more

    Earth.Food.Love: the story of the UK’s first zero-waste shop

    Nicola and Richard Eckersley, founders of Earth.Food.Love, share their journey to pioneering the UK’s first zero-waste shop in Totnes, Devon. Read more

    Ditch the bleach: switch to natural cleaning to avoid toxins and carcinogens

    Every year there is a better understanding of the risks of toxic chemicals and more and more people are benefitting from a switch to natural cleaning.  Read more

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