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Mutual credit

Resources for mutual credit book

Resources to accompany upcoming book on new economy built around mutual credit

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I have a contract to produce a book about growing a new economy, in communities, with mutual credit at the core. This article is a listing of key resources: video interviews I’ve done with relevant people whilst researching the book, plus articles and websites providing additional information.

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What happened to LETS systems?

What happened to LETS systems? Sue Bell of Mutual Credit Services

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Today I’m talking with Sue Bell, who was involved for many years in Brixton LETS and the Brixton Pound. She’s now part of a group called Mutual Credit Services (MCS), formed to build mutual credit clubs and to federate them together to build a new kind of moneyless trading system. I want to talk about

Read more about What happened to LETS systems? Sue Bell of Mutual Credit Services

Building the credit commons

Building the Credit Commons with Mutual Credit Clubs: Matthew Slater

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This is the second in a series of interviews that will accompany a book I’m writing, that will be published by Chelsea Green – an employee-owned company, and part of the new economy that the book is describing, built around a mutual credit core. Here’s more on the book deal and here’s some introductory information

Read more about Building the Credit Commons with Mutual Credit Clubs: Matthew Slater

I’ve got a book deal. I’d like to ask for your advice about how to deliver the message.

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I’ve got a book deal with Chelsea Green, which is quite scary. They like my writing style, but the content needs a bit of translating for a wide audience. The Covid pandemic provided the stimulus to bring together a group of specialists to form ‘Mutual Credit Services’ (new website coming soon). My role is in

Read more about I’ve got a book deal. I’d like to ask for your advice about how to deliver the message.