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    Mushroom cultivation posts

    Fungi and forest gardens: 2 book reviews by Tomas Remiarz

    Permaculture teacher and forest gardener Tomas Remiarz reviews two of the best books that he’s read recently: Entangled Life and the Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook Read more

    Alternatives to single-use plastic in mushroom growing

    Benedict Noel of The Mushroom Guide shares his tried and tested alternatives to single use plastic in mushroom growing. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 9: working with agar cultures

    A jellylike substance derived from seaweed, Benedict Noel sets out the role of agar cultures in Part 9 of his Mushroom Guide. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 8: working with liquid mushroom cultures

    We learn how to work with liquid mushroom cultures as The Mushroom Guide with Benedict Noel continues. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 7: preparing mushroom spawn (2)

    Mushroom grower extraordinaire Benedict Noel explains how to prepare mushroom spawn using a pressure cooker, as his Mushroom Guide series continues. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 6: preparing mushroom spawn

    Benedict Noel shares how to scale up your mushroom production, preparing mushroom spawn using grain to then inoculate sawdust bags. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 5: inoculating fruiting substrate

    Inoculating fruiting substrate: sounds a little daunting, no? Fear not – Benedict Noel explains all in Part 5 of his Mushroom Guide for beginners keen to grow their own shiitake mushrooms. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 4: preparing fruiting substrate for shiitake mushrooms

    In Part 4 of The Mushroom Guide with Benedict Noel, learn how to create your own bags of fruiting substrate for shiitake mushrooms, using sawdust, bran and a pressure cooker. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 3: harvesting shiitake mushroom blocks

    In Part 3 of The Mushroom Guide, Benedict Noel enjoys the fruits of his labour harvesting shiitake mushroom blocks, as he continues his step-by-step tutorial. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 2: fruiting shiitake mushroom blocks

    We learn how to fruit shiitake mushroom blocks with Benedict Noel of The Mushroom Guide. It’s possible to grow shiitake mushrooms with very little equipment. If you’re a novice, this is the best place to start. Read more

    The Mushroom Guide Part 1: why grow shiitake mushrooms?

    No garden? No problem! In the first of a new series from the Mushroom Guide, Benedict Noel considers why shiitake mushrooms make a great starting point for anyone new to mushroom growing, particularly in an urban environment. Read more

    Fancy growing shiitake mushrooms at home? Here’s how – in logs or sawdust

    Shiitake mushrooms require cellulose-rich material and will grow on a variety of woody substrates. My preference is for oak (or other hardwood) sawdust. In fact, Shiitake will grow on softwood sawdust Read more

    Work / farmshare opportunity for someone interested in farming, smallholding, forestry, livestock, mushrooms or building stone

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 16-Apr-2016 | 8

    Here’s a very interesting opportunity for a budding smallholder – either paid work or farm share, near Totnes in Devon. Over to Richard: Read more

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