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Low-impact money posts

How much should a loaf of bread cost?

Dave Darby of | 04-Oct-2015 | 10

You can now get white sliced bread in supermarkets for around 50p a loaf; or you can get hand-baked, organic loaves from independent bakers for around £3.50. We can also bake our own bread. What’s the best option, do you think? Read more

If you’re not exactly ‘time-rich’, here’s how you can change society with your money as well as your actions

Dave Darby of | 24-Jul-2015 | 0

Since Lowimpact began as LILI in 2001, we’ve offered a constantly increasing bank of information, courses, products, services, books, magazines, links, videos and advice for people wanting to change their lives – to live in a more sustainable and less corporate way. Read more

Help set up eco-settlements by moving your money and getting a better return than from a bank savings account

Dave Darby of | 08-Jul-2015 | 6

If we want to: help set up organic smallholdings; allow people to build natural homes on their land; preserve rural skills and livelihoods; and develop a sustainable, non-corporate food supply, we have to do more than just talk about it. Read more

Good luck to Greece, and why you won’t find the real reasons for their crisis in the mainstream media

Dave Darby of | 06-Jul-2015 | 21

It’s so ironic that the biggest lesson in how to destroy democracy is being delivered to the world in the birthplace of democracy. Read more

I’ve joined the board of the Ecological Land Co-operative because I want to change the way land is owned and farmed

Dave Darby of | 19-Jun-2015 | 3

On Wednesday evening I attended the AGM of the Ecological Land Co-op at Freightliners City Farm in London. I was standing for election to the board after being invited to apply by Shaun Chamberlin of Dark Optimism Read more

Help put energy into the hands of local people, and make yourself a bit of money at the same time

David Calver of Low-Carbon Hub | 21-Oct-2014 | 0

The Low Carbon Hub has just launched its 2014 community share offer to raise £1.5 million investment into its first wave of renewable energy schemes for Oxfordshire. Read more

Where do banks get the money for mortgages from?

Dave Darby of | 08-Oct-2014 | 1

The simple answer is that they don’t have it. They check your credit record, decide you’re OK, type some numbers into a computer and suddenly you owe them a significant portion of your income for 25 years, plus interest. Read more

Our award for most misleading and mendacious article of 2013 goes to MoneyWeek’s ‘End of Britain’

Dave Darby of | 29-Dec-2013 | 0

You may have seen a sensationalist video called ‘the End of Britain’ that’s been doing the rounds throughout 2013. It’s a flashy, authoritative-looking video, and well it should be, as it’s produced by MoneyWeek Magazine Read more

The story of money, and how it built an empire

Dave Darby of | 18-May-2013 | 0

Here’s a story. Some of you may know it, but I’m guessing that most people don’t, which is surprising because it has enormous importance for the way we live today, and how our children might live in the future. Read more

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