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    Micro-hydro posts

    Keeping energy production local and mutualised: Jon Hallé of Sharenergy, Part 2

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 11-Jul-2021 | 2

    This is the second part of an interview with Jon Halle of Sharenergy, about the prospects for keeping energy production local and mutualised. We talk about community energy, Energy Local and the Big Solar Co-op. Read more

    What does the future look like for community energy? Interview with Jon Hallé of Sharenergy

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 14-Jun-2018 | 5

    On the NonCorporate blog, we’ll be interviewing people who are out there building a non-corporate economy on the ground right now. We’ll be finding out exactly what they’re doing, what they’ve achieved, what problems they face and what they’d like to see change – and we’ll be asking them how we might co-ordinate the non-corporate… Continue reading What does the future look like for community energy? Interview with Jon Hallé of Sharenergy Read more

    The great Human Power Plant experiment: an update

    Regular readers of our blog may recall an earlier post about an exciting experiment taking place in the Netherlands in the form of a hydro-pneumatic human power plant harnessing human energy. Here’s an update on progress so far. Read more

    My experience with a traditional watermill driving a generator to produce electricity

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 12-Aug-2016 | 3

    This was an interesting diversion. I was asked a couple of years ago if I would take a look at a watermill in Bourne (Lincolnshire) and see what the problem was with the generator. Interesting – how often do you get asked to play with a watermill? Read more

    Restoring a Victorian water wheel to generate hydro-electricity and produce local organic flour

    When building works were completed on the Queen’s Mill in 1888, it became the world’s largest water powered stone grinding flour mill. The water wheel was a 20 foot diameter piece of iron and timber Victorian engineering, large for its type and with high efficiency features. Read more

    New share offers in community-owned renewable energy projects around the UK

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 06-Nov-2014 | 0

    Pomona Solar launched its pioneer share offer during h-Energy festivities on 11th October in Hereford. Pomona’s first scheme is for a 250kW solar PV array that will supply low-cost electricity to small businesses located on the site. Read more

    Ethical investments in renewable energy – you can make it happen

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 07-Jun-2014 | 0

    A quick update on Sharenergy-supported projects and share offers. Firstly some great news – the first wind turbine supported by Sharenergy is now up and running in Dingwall Read more

    Eigg: community-owned island & the 1st completely wind, water and sun electricity grid in the world

    Sometimes a story will remind us that things can be done differently. The Isle of Eigg story is one of them. For more details of exactly what happened on Eigg, see Alastair Mcintosh’s book Soil and Soul (available here). Read more

    Hydro-electricity community share offer

    Hydro power is an attractive source of local renewable energy for Sheffield, which builds on the long history of water power in the city. This artist’s impression shows the fish friendly Archimedes screw turbine we will install at the site. Read more

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