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    Low-impact shopping posts

    Proposal for a ‘one planet’ food revolution

    This is the third in a series of articles about ‘one planet’ living – the first in rural areas, and the second in cities. Now we discuss the situation as regards food production. Read more

    The Food Assembly: connecting you to local farmers and food makers

    Sophie Paterson explores how a movement founded in France is connecting communities to local farmers and food makers across Britain: enter The Food Assembly. But does it really offer the best deal to producers, hosts and customers alike? Read more

    Why much criticism of the Fair Trade movement is invalid – designed to disguise corporate exploitation of small farmers

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 30-Jan-2018 | 3

    The Fair Trade movement was set up to secure better prices for struggling small farmers and craft producers in poor countries, and to provide funds for various improvements in their communities. It has, however, come in for some criticism for various reasons. Read more

    How I built a Raspberry Pi Space Invaders arcade machine with my kids

    This describes how my kids and I built an arcade machine, based on a Raspberry Pi. So, the first question many of you will be asking is…. Read more

    Buying green: is ethical consumerism a perfect distraction?

    Eco-consumption, ethical consumerism, sustainable shopping. Call it what we may, “buying green” has grown into something of a hot topic in the last decade. But is it the sustainable solution some claim it to be or is it in fact the perfect distraction? Lowimpact.org’s Sophie Paterson explores. Read more

    How we got olive oil from a small farm in Portugal brought over in a sailboat by a co-operative based in Brighton – and how you can do the same

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Jan-2018 | 19

    I recently interviewed Dhara Thompson of the Sailboat Project for our new sailboats topic introduction. He told me that they are one of many new organisations that are working to bring back sailboats for cargo and passenger transport – using the power of the wind to move people and goods around the planet. Read more

    Earth.Food.Love: the story of the UK’s first zero-waste shop

    Nicola and Richard Eckersley, founders of Earth.Food.Love, share their journey to pioneering the UK’s first zero-waste shop in Totnes, Devon. Read more

    The Trump administration is going to attack us if we try to restrict the imports of US genetically-modified food in any way

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 14-Sep-2017 | 20

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP UK recently alerted us to the fact that the US government is determined to go into battle with any country that tries to restrict imports of its genetically-modified food. Read more

    Starting a market garden: Q&A with Chris Smaje of Small Farm Future

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 02-Jul-2017 | 1

    Chris Smaje of Small Farm Future kindly agreed to share with us a recent blog post of his own about starting a market garden, drawing on his experiences at Vallis Veg, a small farm on the outskirts of Frome in Somerset with a veg box scheme and much more besides. Covering 13 questions collated from… Continue reading Starting a market garden: Q&A with Chris Smaje of Small Farm Future Read more

    B-corporations – yes or no?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 25-Jun-2017 | 52

    What do you consider the correct approach towards multinational corporations – tame them, or start to get rid of them? And what do we mean by ‘tame’ exactly? And what are the problems with multinational corporations in the first place? Read more

    This is the best attempt I’ve seen at building a sustainable, democratic, (and inevitably moneyless) economy. It’s worth understanding what they’re saying

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-May-2017 | 20

    If you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that whatever we do, we’re not going to transition to a sustainable, democratic future with the current money and banking system, then I agree with you. Read more

    Very worthwhile and interesting job available with the Open Food Network

    Are you interested in helping create food sovereignty in the UK? Would you like to help create food systems in which everyone has access to affordable, nutritious, culturally-appropriate food? Read more

    Interested in setting up a local food co-op? Mobile shop for sale, with free training thrown in

    We are a real food co-op in Dorset, and we have been delivering food via our trusty mobile shop, ‘the Charmouth Dragon’. We’re now taking the shop online with the good folks of Open Food Network UK Read more

    Is modern life a mistake?

    Paul Edwards of Sodium Haze | 09-Feb-2017 | 5

    I was back recently in my old stomping ground of Bicester in Oxfordshire – it was not a happy visit. Read more

    How to reduce the environmental impact of your wedding

    Jo Cowan of Belle Bridal | 22-Jan-2017 | 2

    Your wedding day is obviously one of the biggest days of your life — but it can also be huge for your carbon footprint. In the UK, the average cost of a wedding is over £20,000. Not only is this a huge amount of money to spend on a single day Read more

    Low-impact & the city 7: our experience of a local fishbox / community-supported fish scheme

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Jan-2017 | 1

    You may remember that we blogged an interview last summer with Guy Dorrell, who set up a ‘fishbox’, or ‘community-supported fish’ project, called ‘Faircatch‘. After interviewing him, my partner and I signed up to his scheme to try it out. I’m now reporting on how the idea worked for us Read more

    Reasons not to buy from Amazon

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 03-Jan-2017 | 0

    In 1983, Richard Stallman launched the GNU free software project, on which many people could collaborate, and in 1985 he founded the Free Software Foundation, to promote and assist the development of free software. Here is a page from his website Read more

    Companies like Fairphone, Ecotricity etc. are doing great things, but could easily be picked off by the corporate sector; why aren’t they co-ops?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 15-Dec-2016 | 6

    Body Shop, Green & Blacks, Ben & Jerry’s and Innocent Drinks represented a Brave New World when it came to doing business – Fair Trade, sustainable, (slightly) less hierarchical, informal, friendly. Read more

    New report: number of plastic bags on UK beaches falls by almost half – so charging 5p for plastic bags works?

    The number of plastic carrier bags found on UK beaches in surveys carried out by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has dropped by almost half between 2015 and 2016. This is the lowest number reported in over a decade, and fantastic news for marine wildlife. Read more

    Ditch the bleach: switch to natural cleaning to avoid toxins and carcinogens

    Every year there is a better understanding of the risks of toxic chemicals and more and more people are benefitting from a switch to natural cleaning.  Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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