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    Low-impact living posts

    11 days left to support a collaborative new online ethical lifestyle toolkit

    We hear from our friends at the Permaculture Association about a new ethical lifestyle toolkit in the making alongside Ethical Consumer, and how you can help make it a reality by supporting their Crowdfunder campaign ahead of 26 January. We’re particularly excited about this one! It’s over to Jemma to tell us more… Read more

    Introducing One Planet Cities: sustaining humanity within planetary limits

    David Thorpe of One Planet Life | 22-May-2019 | 12

    David Thorpe of One Planet Life shares the ideas and aspirations behind his new book One Planet Cities, outlining his vision for sustainable urban communities. Read more

    Fancy joining the Pentiddy Woods family on an immersive 9 month internship?

    Ele Waters of Pentiddy | 09-May-2019 | 0

    Here’s your chance! We hear from Ele and Anthony at Pentiddy Woods about a unique learning opportunity on offer from October 2019. Read more

    What might buildings, settlements and even regions look like through the lens of Permaculture design?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 26-Aug-2018 | 13

    This is the transcript of a talk given by Paul Jennings to the recent SBUK Big Straw Bale Gathering. Paul has built his straw-bale family home on a ‘One-Planet Development’ smallholding in Wales (costing £12,000). Read more

    Models of repopulation: bringing low-impact living to life in rural Europe

    We hear from yurt and tent builders and suppliers Spirits Intent about their new mission to revive low-impact living and rural economies in southern Europe through the Heartland Association. Read more

    Off Grid Festival 2018: another world is possible

    Roxy Piper tells us all about this year’s Off Grid Festival, taking place from 9-12th August in the historic Tapeley Park and Gardens in North Devon, with the theme of Seven Generation Stewardship. Read more

    Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?

    Staci Sylvan of Heartwood | 24-May-2018 | 6

    Heartwood Community is seeking energetic, reliable and committed people to join their intentional community in South West Wales. It’s over to Staci from here to tell us more. Read more

    Opportunity to live very close to nature, rent-free, in an Irish intentional community and education centre

    Mark Boyle of the Happy Pig | 13-Mar-2018 | 25

    There are two rent-free bedrooms available (one immediately, one soon) in the farmhouse at An Teach Saor. But this is not a place for people who want to save money. It’s a place for people who want to radically reduce their dependency on it all together. Read more

    Sunflower Cohousing community looking for members

    Our journey into community living started one evening in the Summer of 2009 when we were grouped around a campfire with friends discussing possible future lifestyle alternatives. Read more

    Debate: how sustainable can an eco-hotel and permaculture community be if it’s for Brits in Portugal?

    We were approached by Peter to ask if we would help promote a proposed eco-holiday complex and permaculture settlement in Portugal. I replied that I didn’t think we could, as I have strong reservations about this kind of eco-hotel development, and explained why. Peter came back with some counter-arguments, and I asked him whether he’d… Continue reading Debate: how sustainable can an eco-hotel and permaculture community be if it’s for Brits in Portugal? Read more

    Urban one-planet development: how can cities reduce their ecological footprint?

    The last post in this series looked at the vital role of ecological footprinting in ensuring that our individual actions are truly sustainable – i.e. within the limits of what the Earth’s resources can provide. This is called ‘one planet’ development. Read more

    How the ‘One Planet Development’ policy is helping people get back onto the land in Wales

    Something special is happening in Wales. The country is using legislation to shift itself into a very different direction from England. It wants to be more sustainable. It wants to reduce its ‘ecological footprint’ to a level that’s fair compared to the rest of the planet’s population and resources. Read more

    A year of downshifting in Devon

    Downshifting means working less, earning less and spending less and it’s what Lowimpact.org’s Sophie Paterson has spent the past year attempting to do. She shares what she’s learnt so far and why she’d encourage others to embrace downshifting too. Read more

    What’s the most environmentally-damaging thing that a human can do?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 18-Jul-2017 | 4

    This question is really important for us at Lowimpact.org, because we’re all about providing information and other resources on ways that people can live in a less environmentally-damaging way. So I was very interested to see that researchers at Lund University in Sweden recently put the hours in Read more

    Seeking a venue: course on how to create a One Planet Development

    I am seeking venues around the country to run an exciting course that will help participants prepare for starting and living on a One Planet Development. Read more

    Part-time work available in the Lowimpact.org team

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 25-May-2017 | 12

    We are offering a little part-time job. It’s only around 10 hours per month, so it could fit in nicely with what you’re doing already. It involves looking after a category on the Lowimpact.org site, and keeping everything updated. Read more

    Why self-reliance is so important as part of a secure, low-impact life

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 04-Mar-2017 | 0

    I am Andy Reynolds, a long-term practitioner of low-impact living, smallholder, author, forester, teacher, carpenter, builder. I’ve been working with Lowimpact.org since the early noughties, and I’d like to share my philosophy on self-reliance with you. Read more

    Want to join a new Midlands co-op with plans for self-build homes for its members?

    A growing Northamptonshire based business is looking for individuals who wish to become part of an ethically based worker’s collective. The current business owners, Paul Battye and Melanie Cutler, are looking to turn their business into the new collective to share with like minded individuals Read more

    Is modern life a mistake?

    Paul Edwards of Sodium Haze | 09-Feb-2017 | 5

    I was back recently in my old stomping ground of Bicester in Oxfordshire – it was not a happy visit. Read more

    Why we’d be better off living like the Saxons (with a few mod cons)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 05-Feb-2017 | 11

    If you spend your life trying to promote low-impact living, you sometimes get asked the most ridiculous questions. More than once I’ve been asked something along the lines of: ‘you want to take us back to the Middle Ages, don’t you?’ Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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