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    Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Jan-2016 | 13

    I’m blogging from the Real Farming Conference in Oxford, in Oxford Town Hall. This is the seventh annual conference, set up as a counter to the corporate farming conference running at the university in Oxford. I wasn’t expecting such a huge affair – 850 attendees, with some fantastic sessions. Read more

    What will TTIP mean for European farmers?

    David Margolies of Stop TTIP | 05-Jan-2016 | 0

    A new report from the US Department of Agriculture assesses the potential effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on farmers. It’s pretty difficult to decipher, but our position is that we don’t want an increase in Transatlantic trade when it comes to agriculture. Read more

    Getting into the allotment groove: reasons for getting an allotment

    Recently I hosted a radio show where I asked the question What Does Your Allotment Mean to You?, what was interesting was just like the many approaches to growing your own, there were just as many reasons for doing so. Read more

    How superstores destroy jobs and local resilience

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Dec-2015 | 4

    A report by the National Retail Planning Forum (partly financed by supermarkets) found that in a catchment of 15km around 93 new superstores, around 10,000 new retail jobs were created and 35,000 destroyed – a net loss of 25,000 retail jobs (full-time equivalent). Read more

    Where do you stand on raw milk? Interview with ‘raw’ dairy farmer

    Nigel Akehurst of Indie Farmer | 26-Nov-2015 | 8

    If milk is going to be transported long distances and hanging about a lot rather than being sold locally and drunk quickly, there’s a strong argument for pasteurising it. But there is a growing number of people who are arguing that locally-produced milk doesn’t have to be. Read more

    Well done for fighting food waste, Hugh; but let’s take it a step further

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-Nov-2015 | 2

    Have you seen any of the TV programmes about food waste, hosted by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall? He’s trying to highlight the amount of food that gets wasted in the UK – which is truly phenomenal, and a ridiculous waste of land, money, energy and time. Read more

    Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 22-Nov-2015 | 0

    There’s something seriously wrong with the way most of our food is produced and sold. The corporate sector is gaining control of more and more of global food production, shifting the focus from nutrition, flavour and nature towards profit and profit only. Read more

    The number of people with allergies is rising rapidly; but 10 times as many people believe that they have allergies, when in fact they don’t

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 10-Nov-2015 | 2

    Just heard a Radio 4 programme about allergies, which dovetailed with a lot of our beliefs. Here are the highlights. Read more

    How much should a loaf of bread cost?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Oct-2015 | 10

    You can now get white sliced bread in supermarkets for around 50p a loaf; or you can get hand-baked, organic loaves from independent bakers for around £3.50. We can also bake our own bread. What’s the best option, do you think? Read more

    Get inspired to grow your own food: visit gardens producing food in cities

    Edible Gardens Open Day is an annual event for Londoners to explore secret gardens, embark on an edible walking tour, or venture further afield to discover people growing in novel places. It’s now happening in other cities too.  Read more

    Introducing Yorkley Court Community Farm – you can help them to secure their land with a land trust, and avoid eviction

    Yorkley Court Community Farm is in the Forest of Dean. They contacted us as they’re involved in a legal battle to stay on the land that they’re currently occupying. The ownership of the land is contested, but a lot of damage has been done Read more

    Why Panorama’s GM propaganda was false, there is no food shortage and we don’t need GM to feed the world

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Jun-2015 | 0

    Did you see the BBC’s Panorama on monday, promoting the GM (genetic modification) industry? Here are four reasons their message is just pure propaganda on behalf of the corporate sector. Read more

    Invitation to join us at Breaking the Frame gathering in Derbyshire in July

    David King of | 22-May-2015 | 0

    NB: Dave from Lowimpact.org will be giving a talk about the Ujamaa2 idea on the Saturday afternoon, and the whole event will bring together people from various parts of the ‘alternative technology’ field Read more

    Let’s stop subsidising giant, damaging agri-business – join the Landworkers’ Alliance on April 29th

    Join the Landworkers’ Alliance (LWA) as we celebrate Via Campesina’s International day of Peasant Struggle. Weds April 29th, British Sugar Factory, Bury St Edmunds, 1.30pm Read more

    Interested in rural cohousing? Introducing the Agroecological Land Initiative

    The Agroecological Land Initiative is an new organisation founded to advocate and implement agroecological methods in the UK to help secure food sovereignty, energy independence, and environmental regeneration in a way that is financially viable and socially just. Read more

    What low-impacters are up to around the country: Greystoke Cycle Cafe

    Proper seasonal tea garden cafés (i.e. just with a tea garden facility and no indoor space as a cosy backup) are few and far between in this country – especially in the north (thanks largely to the weather) Read more

    Polish family farms criminalised for local food sales

    Jadwiga & Julian of ICPPC | 18-Feb-2014 | 0

    Dear Friends/Drodzy Przyjaciele, Polish Embassy protest at 2:30 on 20th February. Please circulate! Get your banners together! We hope to see as many of you Read more

    Why Owen Paterson is wrong about GM food

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Oct-2013 | 0

    Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, said today that environmentalists who oppose GM food are ‘wicked’. This is why he is wrong. Read more

    Recent findings on glyphosate, and why we don’t need GM food

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 21-Nov-2012 | 0

    Do you know what glyphosate is? It’s a herbicide developed by Monsanto, sold under the trade name Roundup – the most widely-used pesticide in the world. Genetically-engineered (Roundup ready) soy has been developed to tolerate glyphosate. Read more

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