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Low-impact food & drink


Getting around the egg shortage – The Vegan Society’s top alternatives

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With the UK’s egg shortage continuing, The Vegan Society shares top egg alternatives for everything from cakes to scrambled eggs. As the cost of living and the avian flu outbreak continue to impact the farming industry, egg producers are having problems meeting the demand for eggs, resulting in a shortage here in the UK. The

Read more about Getting around the egg shortage – The Vegan Society’s top alternatives

George Monbiot and friends are wrong: techno-utopianism won’t save us

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George Monbiot has joined a campaign called ‘Reboot Food’, working with techno-utopians who would like to see governments remove support for organic food and deregulate the GM industry, as well as producing bacteria-based food in giant factories (‘precision-fermentation’), and getting rid of smallholdings.

Read more about George Monbiot and friends are wrong: techno-utopianism won’t save us

New owner sought for low-impact pub and glamping site in rural Suffolk

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Aldegarden is a wonderful site in Suffolk, with accommodation, a community pub, and a ‘glamping’ site with yurts, timber structures, a cob roundhouse, gypsy caravan and a converted barn, communal areas, solar hot water and electricity and compost loos. They’ve been in our directory for years. But now they’re looking for new owners for the property and successful businesses.

Read more about New owner sought for low-impact pub and glamping site in rural Suffolk