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    Living willow structures posts

    How to create white willow

    Creating white willow involves a number of processes and a large amount of specialist knowledge and skill. A mixture of patience and haste is also required. Some stages take a great deal of time while for others speed is of the essence. Read more

    How to build a bent willow chair

    Mitch Ison of Musgrove Willows | 09-Jun-2021 | 1

    Complement your home or outdoor space with an easy chair, rocking chairs or a living willow chair! This guide should help you to build a bent willow chair – a fantastic piece of willow furniture. Building a willow chair is incredibly satisfying. Just imagine, when you’ve finished you can literally sit back and enjoy your… Continue reading How to build a bent willow chair Read more

    Low-impact & the city 6: how we got ourselves a living willow ‘fedge’ (half-fence, half-hedge)

    Paula Osthaus of WWOOF UK | 21-Dec-2016 | 6

    We’ve wanted a living willow ‘fedge’ for a while. We have a firepit and a couple of compost ‘daleks’ at the end of the garden, and we wanted to cordon this area off, and hide the compost bins. A fedge is a cross between a fence and a hedge, and it’s alive. Read more

    Here’s why it’s a good idea to plant more willow (just not close to drains)

    Willow is a native UK plant, which grows well in our temperate climate and is very easy to grow from cuttings. There are hundreds of different varieties of willow. Each variety differs in terms of growth rate, colour of stem and leaf shape. Read more

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