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    Living roofs posts

    How to build a low-cost, high-performing living green roof

    Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares her top tips for building a low-cost, high-performing living green roof. Read more

    Free learning with a Wholewoods community build camp in 2019

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 15-Jan-2019 | 3

    Wholewoods are continuing their fantastic work, offering volunteers on-site learning on a 2019 build camp to construct a roundhouse for OrganicLea. Adrian Leaman has all the details of how to get involved below. Read more

    Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

    Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 06-May-2018 | 0

    Natural building company Hartwyn are pleased to announce their summer 2018 free natural building internship programme is now open to applications. It’s over to Joe Duirwyn from here to tell us more. Read more

    Free build camp to construct a roundwood timber-framed barn with living roof for a community organisation

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 16-Apr-2018 | 0

    This is a REAL, FULL BUILD on-site, so we need everyone taking part in this free build camp to be physically fit, strong and competent with tools. You will also need to be robust and self-sufficient as we’ll be living outdoors in basic conditions. 18yrs +. Read more

    Can you help Barbara Jones and Straw Works set up a National Skills Centre?

    Barbara Jones of Straw Works | 24-Feb-2017 | 7

    Barbara Jones of Straw Works / School of Natural Building is the country’s top straw-bale builder. She is the author of Building with Straw Bales, and is the star of our straw-bale building online course. Read more

    Having a £3k eco-home is more about attitude than building codes or regulations: interview with Tony Wrench

    Tony Wrench of That Roundhouse | 02-Oct-2016 | 6

    This is an interview with Tony Wrench of ‘That Roundhouse’ fame. He built a super-eco roundhouse in Pembrokeshire over 20 years ago, and is still living in it, after having many battles with planners and regulatory bodies. Read more

    Would you like to help build a 9m roundhouse with a reciprocal, turf roof for the charity ‘Farms for City Children’?

    Adrian Leaman of Wholewoods | 04-May-2016 | 0

    Reciprocal roundhouse build: call for volunteers. Gloucestershire, July – August 2016. We’re building a 9m turf roof roundhouse for the charity Farms For City Children and are calling for assistance. Read more

    Should I remove moss from my roof?

    Bez Walker of Ashbrook Roofing | 08-Dec-2015 | 3

    Removing the moss from your roof is a topic that is widely debated. Does it do more damage to leave the moss growing on your tiles or does removing it harm your roof even more? Read more

    Three-bedroom, earth-sheltered house with a living roof, cob internal walls & sea view; cost: £18,000

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Jul-2014 | 0

    Seven years ago, a handsome builder came on a Lowimpact.org ‘how to make biodiesel’ course at Redfield and stole one of our staff. They now live with three children in Cornwall, in an earth-sheltered house that he built himself on his own land. Read more

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