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    Keeping livestock posts

    Why does our list of topics include vegetarianism, veganism AND keeping animals?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Sep-2015 | 8

    Isn’t that a bit inconsistent? If we think that vegetarianism or veganism is a good idea, how can we also think that keeping animals – most of which are kept for meat – is a good idea too? Read more

    How to preserve pork on a smallholding

    In 2014 we had pigs for the first time. Up until then we had only had chickens. We don’t have a freezer in the woods and where you can eat a chicken before it goes off at fridge temperatures, a pig requires preserving. Read more

    Is it ethical to eat meat?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Jul-2014 | 4

    A group of around 15 of us meet one evening a month, for something we call ‘Philosophy Club’. The topic of this month’s meeting, which happened last night, was ‘is it ethical to eat meat?’ Read more

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