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Lime posts

Painting with limewash paint

Using, creating and choosing limewash for your home. Read more

Hartwyn free natural building course: 2019 applications now open

Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 04-Apr-2019 | 0

We hear from Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn about a fantastic free natural building learning opportunity running from June to September 2019. Read more

Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 06-May-2018 | 0

Natural building company Hartwyn are pleased to announce their summer 2018 free natural building internship programme is now open to applications. It’s over to Joe Duirwyn from here to tell us more. Read more

The Big Straw Bale Gathering speakers list is now out

Jeffrey Hart of SBUK shares news about The Big Straw Bale Gathering speakers. A first of its kind event for all things straw-bale building related, find out who’ll be heading to Down to Earth near Swansea from 10-12 August 2018 below. Read more

A natural building bookshelf with Jeffrey the Natural Builder

In this post, Jeffrey the Natural Builder shares his top reading recommendations based on an original natural building books post on his blog. It’s over to him from here. Please note that this article contains affiliate links to – if you purchase we receive a small percentage. Thanks!  Read more

In praise of the domestic larder: an alternative to the modern fridge

Once a mainstay of households in times gone by, the humble larder provided a practical storage solution for foodstuffs requiring storage over a longer period of time. Read more

Can you help Barbara Jones and Straw Works set up a National Skills Centre?

Barbara Jones of Straw Works | 24-Feb-2017 | 7

Barbara Jones of Straw Works / School of Natural Building is the country’s top straw-bale builder. She is the author of Building with Straw Bales, and is the star of our straw-bale building online course. Read more

Help our off-grid, timber, straw-bale and stone ‘eco-pod’ project happen, then come and stay in it!

Hi, my name is Cassie. My daughter is called Bea, she’s the bigger girls in the picture there. She absolutely loves horses! I also have a son called David, who is going to be an actor; my husband is called Nigel, and our eldest son is called Ted. Read more

Volunteer at a crofting / educational centre in the Highlands and learn about the ‘shieling’

This is a farm-based education organisation.  Our story is the ‘shieling’ – a tradition where folk went up to the hills with the livestock. The shieling is a traditional practice of moving up to the high ground or moorland with livestock, to live there for the summer. Read more

Can you adopt a natural builder for 3 nights in exchange for a free VIP ticket to Ecobuild?

Oliver Swann of Natural Homes | 26-Feb-2016 | 0

Ecobuild is a three-day natural building exhibition at the Excel Centre in London from the 8th to the 10th of March. Ecobuild is the leading UK exhibition and conference for the construction and energy market Read more

Why cement should never be used with natural buildings

Barbara Jones of Straw Works | 10-Feb-2016 | 19

I am often asked to help with other people’s designs, but one of my principles is never to design with cement. Not everyone knows this about me, and I was recently asked what my general experience was with stem walls made of concrete Read more

Unless your house is old, you probably don’t have rising damp, and if you do, modern damp-proofing methods probably won’t work

Dave Darby of | 20-Dec-2015 | 0

Twentieth-century homes tend to contain a lot of non-breathable materials – cement, metal, plastics, impervious paints and renders. Damp-proof barriers prevent rising damp, but the sealed, waterproof, non-breathable approach of modern building brings its own problems Read more

Career change: how I left software development to become a natural builder

When I was young I wanted to do a lot of different things, but the core ambition was always to do something that would help our environment, not make it worse. Read more

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