Info, news & debate


Stickmaker Joe Musialowski at work

One man and his sticks: meet stickmaker Joe Musialowski

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A traditional rural skill sometimes overlooked, crook and stickmaking is making a comeback in the UK.’s Sophie Paterson spoke to Joe Musialowski of Wren Country Sticks about his journey to become a professional stickmaker and what the future might hold for this timeless country craft. Supplier of bespoke sticks, crooks and croziers for walkers, shepherds

Read more about One man and his sticks: meet stickmaker Joe Musialowski

Farm Hack Cover Crop Roller Open Source Agriculture

Farm Hack : growing innovative open-source agriculture

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In response to the pervasive reach of the global agro-industrial complex, growing numbers of farmers across the world are coming together as co-operative organisations to promote and protect small-scale organic food production and environmental stewardship. We take a look below at some of the groups promoting open source agriculture with farmer driven technologies, spearheaded by the

Read more about Farm Hack : growing innovative open-source agriculture

Time to ditch the corporate sector in favour of the solidarity economy

Why an economy that’s not dominated by the corporate sector would be much better for individuals, communities and nature

| 3 is an organisation that was founded by two people in 2001 because of concerns about ecological damage and what that might mean for the future of humanity. The focus has always been on individual lifestyle change

Read more about Why an economy that’s not dominated by the corporate sector would be much better for individuals, communities and nature

Boots and tea

Smallholding with heart: advice about getting and running a smallholding from Janet Jenkins of Cuckoo Farm

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Embarking on a new life in the countryside, away from the trappings of urban existence, is a dream increasingly common to many. This week we interviewed Janet Jenkins about her and her family’s smallholding journey, putting the heart back into the land at Cuckoo Farm.

Read more about Smallholding with heart: advice about getting and running a smallholding from Janet Jenkins of Cuckoo Farm

Would you like to be a smallholder with the ELC?

New Ecological Land Co-op share offer launched: here’s a chance to help bring about change in land ownership in the UK, and receive 3% interest for your trouble!

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Please share this as widely as you can. I’m on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op, and so I know how much hard work has gone into this – it’s an opportunity for people to shift their money to help change the nature of land ownership in the UK, and receive 3% interest for

Read more about New Ecological Land Co-op share offer launched: here’s a chance to help bring about change in land ownership in the UK, and receive 3% interest for your trouble!

If ‘agroecology’ is such a good idea, how can we get the planning system to promote it?

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The planning system doesn’t currently differentiate between different types of agriculture, and maybe it should. The type of agriculture we prefer could be labelled ‘agroecology’ – but the problem is how to define it and how to get the planning system to recognise it, let alone promote it.

Read more about If ‘agroecology’ is such a good idea, how can we get the planning system to promote it?

Our living willow fedge - half-fence, half-hedge

Low-impact & the city 6: how we got ourselves a living willow ‘fedge’ (half-fence, half-hedge)

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We’ve wanted a living willow ‘fedge’ for a while. We have a firepit and a couple of compost ‘daleks’ at the end of the garden, and we wanted to cordon this area off, and hide the compost bins. A fedge is a cross between a fence and a hedge, and it’s alive.

Read more about Low-impact & the city 6: how we got ourselves a living willow ‘fedge’ (half-fence, half-hedge)