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Land reform

One Planet Development smallholder Paul Jennings : how to make a living on an organic smallholding

Trying to make a living on an organic smallholding: Paul Jennings, ‘One-Planet’ smallholder

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This is part 2 of an interview with Paul Jennings, who has built his own straw-bale house and lives with his family on a smallholding in Carmarthenshire in Wales. They were able to build their house via the One Planet Development (OPD) policy in Wales. Here’s part 1 of the interview.

Read more about Trying to make a living on an organic smallholding: Paul Jennings, ‘One-Planet’ smallholder

Should we return to normal post-corona?

Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal

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There’s been a lot of talk about ‘thanking’ coronavirus for giving us the breathing space to re-evaluate, and for giving nature some breathing space too. This isn’t one of those articles. I don’t find it compassionate to thank a virus that’s killing thousands of people, and closing millions of small businesses, allowing Amazon to hoover

Read more about Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal

One Planet Development smallholder Paul Jennings : how to make a living on an organic smallholding

One Planet Development and access to land: Paul Jennings, OPD smallholder and self-builder

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This is the first part of an interview with Paul Jennings, who lives on a smallholding in Pembrokeshire with his family, and built his own straw-bale home under the One Planet Development policy that exists in Wales (but not in England), which allows people to build a home on their land, even if it is

Read more about One Planet Development and access to land: Paul Jennings, OPD smallholder and self-builder

The ELC are seeking future farmers for their site in East Sussex - could it be you?

Seeking future farmers for East Sussex: apply to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Cooperative

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The Ecological Land Cooperative opens smallholder applications for future farmers at their East Sussex site, continuing the work of generating ecological farming opportunities and rural enterprise. We hear from Lauren Simpson about how you can apply for this unique opportunity.

Read more about Seeking future farmers for East Sussex: apply to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Cooperative

Oli Rodker: working to make a positive difference to land ownership

The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance

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This week we’re talking with Oli Rodker, founder director of the Ecological Land Co-operative and the Landworkers’ Alliance, about his work, and how we might change the nature of land ownership in the UK, where 0.06% of the population own 50% of rural land in England and Wales, according to the Country Land & Business

Read more about The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance