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    Land reform posts

    Why does the planning system make it so difficult for people who want to live on the land sustainably?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 02-Nov-2015 | 17

    Being able to go through the process of making a planning application for a low impact development may be a sign that there has been some progress for those of us who have hitherto lived, to paraphrase, as outlaws on the planning frontier. Read more

    Communities in Scotland may soon be able to purchase land even if the landowner doesn’t want to sell; where do you stand?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Oct-2015 | 18

    There are radical changes on the table when it comes to land ownership in Scotland. The Land Reform Scotland Bill is intended to address the huge disparity in land ownership in Scotland – but there is one clause that is making some people extremely hopeful, and other very worried. Read more

    One Planet Development arrested: my attempts to build a home on a smallholding in Wales

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 08-Oct-2015 | 123

    We moved to Wales because of an extraordinary Welsh Government policy. I shan’t lie, despite all experience and political conviction to the contrary, we were optimistic. One Planet Development seemed to be the kind of advance for low impact living and sustainable land use that we had been hoping for Read more

    Wanted: new members for a co-operative farm – you are invited to an exploratory weekend

    You are invited to Ffynnon Teilo Farm Activity Weekend, to explore creating a co-operative farm – Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th of September. Activities will include: pond clearing, footpath and step renovation, fire making, campsite cooking and farm tour. Camping space available Saturday night. Read more

    More details of the ujamaa collective village system in Tanzania (from first-hand experience)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Aug-2015 | 0

    This is an account of my visit to two ujamaa villages in Tanzania in the early 1990s, plus a lot more background information on the system itself. The ujamaa system has since been dismantled after pressure from the World Bank, but at its height, 20 million people out of a total population of 24 million… Continue reading More details of the ujamaa collective village system in Tanzania (from first-hand experience) Read more

    How to get planning permission for an off-grid, self-build home

    Anna and Pete Grugeon of the Bulworthy Project share their experiences and advice for anyone seeking to gain planning permission for an off-grid, self-build home. Read more

    Why land, on which to build a home and grow food, is our ultimate security

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 18-Jul-2015 | 10

    There’s a general feeling – and a growing one I think – that we’re headed for disaster, and that no-one is in control or able to steer us away from the precipice. Here are four categories of reasons that people give for pessimism about the near future: Read more

    Help set up eco-settlements by moving your money and getting a better return than from a bank savings account

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Jul-2015 | 6

    If we want to: help set up organic smallholdings; allow people to build natural homes on their land; preserve rural skills and livelihoods; and develop a sustainable, non-corporate food supply, we have to do more than just talk about it. Read more

    I’ve joined the board of the Ecological Land Co-operative because I want to change the way land is owned and farmed

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Jun-2015 | 3

    On Wednesday evening I attended the AGM of the Ecological Land Co-op at Freightliners City Farm in London. I was standing for election to the board after being invited to apply by Shaun Chamberlin of Dark Optimism Read more

    Introducing Yorkley Court Community Farm – you can help them to secure their land with a land trust, and avoid eviction

    Yorkley Court Community Farm is in the Forest of Dean. They contacted us as they’re involved in a legal battle to stay on the land that they’re currently occupying. The ownership of the land is contested, but a lot of damage has been done Read more

    Want to see land shared more equally, and managed ecologically? If so, here’s what to do

    We used to get people on our straw-bale building courses who were amazed at how simple and quick a technique it is. They’d sometimes say ‘wow, I’m going to get a few acres and build my own home!’ and we’d have to inform them that they might have to do it in another country. Read more

    Community vetoes for wind farms, but not for fracking? What’s that about?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 24-May-2015 | 2

    On the one hand the new Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Amber Rudd, appears committed to stopping the spread of onshore wind farms; this despite the fact that they are already the most important and cost effective source of renewable energy in the UK, and enjoy the support of two thirds of the population; and… Continue reading Community vetoes for wind farms, but not for fracking? What’s that about? Read more

    Help save Apple Island from development by becoming a part-owner and maybe even building yourself a sustainable home

    We are asking for your help to support a great example of a sustainable enterprise, not by merely donating to it, but by becoming an investor in a unique piece of nature. See here.  Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op plan 20 (!) new settlements, and you can get involved – new community share offer launches today

    We’re excited to announce an opportunity to invest in the development of ecological smallholdings in England. Our key aim is to widen the access to land for sustainable use through the creation of affordable low-impact smallholdings. We’d love you to join us in making this possible. Read more

    the Ecological Land Co-op have produced a much-needed, free overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK

    The Ecological Land Co-operative recently produced an overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK. We’ve used this to create a new online resource, freely accessible via our website. Read more

    Let’s stop subsidising giant, damaging agri-business – join the Landworkers’ Alliance on April 29th

    Join the Landworkers’ Alliance (LWA) as we celebrate Via Campesina’s International day of Peasant Struggle. Weds April 29th, British Sugar Factory, Bury St Edmunds, 1.30pm Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op publishes its first annual report; feedback welcome

    NB: the Ecological Land Co-op set a precedent in England (following the success of Lammas Ecovillage in Wales) by gaining planning permission for homes on smallholdings outside the development zone (in Devon), by agreeing to abide by strict ecological criteria Read more

    Interested in rural cohousing? Introducing the Agroecological Land Initiative

    The Agroecological Land Initiative is an new organisation founded to advocate and implement agroecological methods in the UK to help secure food sovereignty, energy independence, and environmental regeneration in a way that is financially viable and socially just. Read more

    One Planet Development opportunity next to Lammas eco-village in Wales

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Feb-2015 | 2

    Here’s an opportunity to you potential smallholders / rat-race escapees: A thirty acre field next to the Lammas ecovillage has come up for sale.  Read more

    You can help a low-impact, off-grid community obtain permanent planning permission

    Ed Morriss of Drawfire | 24-Feb-2015 | 0

    This is an opportunity to represent and to support our friends at the Steward Community Woodland in their application for permanent planning permission. After 15 years of successful experimentation in sustainable living, they are now applying for permanent planning permission Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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