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    Insulation posts

    Things to think about when considering an air source heat pump

    John Cantor of Heatpumps.co.uk | 23-Feb-2022 | 2

    We cover ground-source heat pumps more than air-source heat pumps in our topic introduction, so here’s some additional information about air-source heat pumps from our advisor John Cantor: Read more

    A woeful year for wool in 2020 – and how you can support your local producers

    Already suffering a downturn as an industry in recent years, the Covid-19 crisis has resulted in a particularly woeful year for wool in 2020. How have producers been faring and what can we do to support them as best as possible? Read more

    The differences between insulation and thermal mass

    As the winter months approach here in the UK, natural builder Ziggy Liloia of The Year of Mud goes back to basics to explore the differences between insulation and thermal mass, and why they matter. Read more

    A south-facing, rammed earth, straw-bale-insulated house doesn’t need heating; why aren’t all new houses built this way?

    Rowland ran rammed earth building courses with us for years. He said then that a C-shaped, rammed earth house with straw-bales for external insulation, and as much glass on the south side and as little glass on the north side as possible, wouldn’t need any heating. We wanted to catch up with him to learn… Continue reading A south-facing, rammed earth, straw-bale-insulated house doesn’t need heating; why aren’t all new houses built this way? Read more

    The Wool Journey Part 6: grading, sorting and storing of fleeces following shearing

    In the sixth installment of The Wool Journey by Sue Blacker of The Natural Fibre Company and Blacker Yarns, she outlines the crucial steps of grading, sorting and storing of fleeces following shearing. Read more

    Historically heating: forgotten ways to keep warm this winter

    With winter on the way and inspired by a recent visit to the Weald & Downland Museum, Sophie Paterson explores a selection of historical personal heating methods. Could they be adopted in homes today? Read more

    SuperHomes: free open-house events for you to have a look at homes with renewable and energy-saving technologies

    Richard Vale of Superhomes | 15-Jul-2017 | 0

    This year marks the 10th year of SuperHomes, the innovative and multi-award winning national network of over 200 homes which have all reduced their carbon footprint by a minimum of 60%. There’s a record 100 free Open House events occurring across all parts of UK Read more

    Can you help Barbara Jones and Straw Works set up a National Skills Centre?

    Barbara Jones of Straw Works | 24-Feb-2017 | 7

    Barbara Jones of Straw Works / School of Natural Building is the country’s top straw-bale builder. She is the author of Building with Straw Bales, and is the star of our straw-bale building online course. Read more

    Having a £3k eco-home is more about attitude than building codes or regulations: interview with Tony Wrench

    Tony Wrench of That Roundhouse | 02-Oct-2016 | 6

    This is an interview with Tony Wrench of ‘That Roundhouse’ fame. He built a super-eco roundhouse in Pembrokeshire over 20 years ago, and is still living in it, after having many battles with planners and regulatory bodies. Read more

    Visit properties refurbished for energy efficiency around the country in September

    Gordon Glass of SuperHomes | 06-Aug-2016 | 0

    SuperHome Open Days this September promise to be extra exciting with at least six recently refurbished homes opening to the public for the first time. Around 50 pioneering households are preparing to open their doors across the UK. Read more

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