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    Housing co-operatives posts

    Where do banks get the money for mortgages from?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Oct-2014 | 1

    The simple answer is that they don’t have it. They check your credit record, decide you’re OK, type some numbers into a computer and suddenly you owe them a significant portion of your income for 25 years, plus interest. Read more

    What’s the potential for the Permaculture, Co-operative and Transition Movements to bring about real change?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Jan-2013 | 0

    What I want to argue is that these are superb movements, promoting as they do, ways of living that are oriented towards nature, co-operation, and face-to-face contact in local communites. Read more

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