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    Housing co-operatives posts

    Solving the housing crisis via the commons, Part 1: the housing crisis

    This is Part 1 of a two-parter, about how the housing crisis causes debt-bondage and wage-slavery, and how the housing Commons can release people from debt and give them freedom to do what they know needs to be done. Read more

    What makes the commons movement different? (A: it’s much more difficult to co-opt.)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 03-Apr-2024 | 0

    The commons is a movement to create a different world, not just the same system with a few tweaks to make it more bearable. If successful, obviously there will be entities out there that will try to undermine it, buy it and ultimately, to crush it. But there are aspects to the commons model that will, I think, make it more resistant to this than existing models. Read more

    Restanza and the cultural commons

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 20-Nov-2023 | 0

    We’d like to see the commons economy grow to allow people (especially young people) to stay in their communities, rather than having to move to big cities to work in the corporate sector and pay extortionate rents. Here, Paul Jennings (who we’re liaising with about the commons in Llandeilo) talks about the concept of ‘Restanza’… Continue reading Restanza and the cultural commons Read more

    Housing co-op seeking founder members

    Lusan Housing Co-op is a fully mutual co-operative, registered with the FCA and applying to join Radical Routes. There’s six of us at the moment and we’re actively seeking more founder members. We are going to start raising loanstock in April and hope to buy land and buildings somewhere in Dumfries and Galloway later this… Continue reading Housing co-op seeking founder members Read more

    Ways Forward co-operative conference is back: Manchester, Oct 20-21

    This year the Ways Forward conference – an in-person event – focuses on how we can work together to address the climate emergency. Read more

    Would sociocracy work for your organisation?

    Ted Rau of Sociocracy For All | 04-Sep-2022 | 2

    This is part 2 of an interview with Ted Rau, co-founder of Sociocracy For All. Part 1 (‘What is sociocracy’) is here. Now we’re talking about whether sociocracy might be a good idea for your organisation / business. Read more

    What is sociocracy? With Ted Rau of Sociocracy For All

    Ted Rau of Sociocracy For All | 28-Aug-2022 | 0

    Here I’m talking with Ted Rau, one of the co-founders of of Sociocracy For All, and leader of the general circle for that organisation. Read more

    Storing value in a mutual credit world: Chris Cook

    Chris Cook of Island Power | 20-Dec-2020 | 14

    This is the third in a series of interviews that will accompany a book I’m writing, that will be published by Chelsea Green – an employee-owned company, and part of the new economy that the book is describing, built around a mutual credit core. Today I’m talking with Chris Cook. He was the designer of… Continue reading Storing value in a mutual credit world: Chris Cook Read more

    What post-Covid communities could look like, if enough of us want it

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Jul-2020 | 7

    Here’s a little story for anyone who’s noticed that things aren’t going too well in our communities. Small businesses are going under, unemployment is on the rise and money’s becoming scarce. Read more

    It’s all systems go for Bridport Cohousing

    We’re delighted to share exciting news from the team behind Bridport Cohousing, who are now all set to build 53 affordable eco homes in the largest cohousing project of its kind in the UK. Read more

    Decentralised collaboration, Paul Mason and more: see you at OPEN 2019 next week?

    We hear from Oliver Sylvester-Bradley about exciting opportunities to collaborate at the OPEN 2019 Community Gathering, taking place in London next week. Read more

    Community-led housing – what’s different about mutual home ownership societies (MHOS): interview with Paul Chatterton of LILAC

    Paul Chatterton of LILAC | 31-Mar-2019 | 0

    We talk with Paul Chatterton of LILAC community in Leeds about what’s different when it comes to mutual home ownership societies in community-led housing. Read more

    A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism

    Dil Green shares a Transcender Manifesto for groups to develop networks of transcendent social relations for a world beyond capitalism. Read more

    How do we grow the ‘co-operative commonwealth’? Interview with Pat Conaty

    We talk about growing a co-operative commonwealth in the second part of an interview with Pat Conaty, senior research fellow at NEF and Co-operatives UK and author of the Resilience Imperative, with Michael Lewis. Read more

    How I hitch-hiked across the Atlantic to visit US co-ops: Cath Muller of Radical Routes

    Cath Muller of Radical Routes | 10-Feb-2019 | 0

    Today I’m talking with Cath Muller of Radical Routes, Cornerstone Housing Co-op and Co-operative Business Consultants. This is part 1 of our conversation, about her visit to Catalan co-operatives, and hitch-hiking across the Atlantic to visit US co-ops. Read more

    The coming crash, and why co-ops are so important: Mark Simmonds of Co-op Culture

    Mark Simmonds of Culture Co-op | 02-Dec-2018 | 2

    Mark Simmonds gave us some free advice that saved us hundreds of pounds when we were setting up as a workers’ co-op. We talk about his work, and get deeper into the philosophy of co-operation.  Read more

    Big news for Bridport Cohousing CLT as a planning decision is reached

    We share exciting news from Bridport Cohousing CLT in Dorset, as they celebrate a landmark step in their work to build a neighbourhood with a difference. Over to them to tell us more from here. Read more

    Living together 5: commonhold for cohousing projects – interview with Peter Burke of A Fairer Society

    This week we’re talking with Peter Burke of A Fairer Society, a consultancy for people thinking about setting up some sort of cohousing project, from housing co-ops to community land trusts. Read more

    Living together 4: how to turn a row of terraced houses into a housing co-op

    This week we’re talking with Rick Watson, who has been a member of Fireside Housing Co-op in Sheffield since 2010. They’ve purchased and co-operativised 5 adjoining houses on a terraced street. Read more

    Living together 3: company limited by shares – Martin Prosser of Sunflower Cohousing

    This article is the result of a discussion with Martin Prosser of Sunflower Cohousing in France. It’s the third in a series of articles about setting up alternative, co-operative living arrangements – cohousing, community land trusts, housing co-ops, intentional communities etc. Read more

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