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Hedges posts

What’s happening to hedgerows in 2024?

Once famed as a green and pleasant land for its verdant and varied habitat, the UK now ranks as one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. This comes as no surprise to those with an interest in the countryside who have witnessed what has happened to it. Compounding the corruptions of big business… Continue reading What’s happening to hedgerows in 2024? Read more

Hedgelaying and culture wars

Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 22-Dec-2021 | 0

Nick Mann bemoans the fact that many concerned about conservation are opposing hedgelaying on social media because of a perception that it’s damaging to plants and wildlife. Read more

Hedgelaying for wildlife: it’s worth the effort

Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 22-Jan-2020 | 0

We hear from Nick Mann of Habitat Aid about why hedgelaying for wildlife is well worth the effort – and the workout – it entails. Read more

Why hedgelaying makes a better hedge

Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 23-Oct-2019 | 3

Providing safe passage for wildlife and a sturdy windbreak, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his views on the rich rural tradition of hedgelaying and why he’s such a fan. Read more

Why farm hedge trimming needs to change

Peter Hull of Natural England | 13-Jun-2019 | 19

Destroyed habitats, blocked drains and that’s just for starters. After decades working to support farming and agriculture in various government agencies, Peter Hull shares his views on why farm hedge trimming needs to change. Read more

How to make a windbreak: the best trees and shrubs to use

Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 14-Mar-2019 | 2

We learn about the best trees and shrubs to use to make a windbreak for your garden or smallholding with Nick Mann of Habitat Aid. Read more

Low-impact & the city 6: how we got ourselves a living willow ‘fedge’ (half-fence, half-hedge)

Paula Osthaus of WWOOF UK | 21-Dec-2016 | 6

We’ve wanted a living willow ‘fedge’ for a while. We have a firepit and a couple of compost ‘daleks’ at the end of the garden, and we wanted to cordon this area off, and hide the compost bins. A fedge is a cross between a fence and a hedge, and it’s alive. Read more

The environmental damage caused by flail cutting of hedgerows, and what can be done about it

Hugh Barker of Hedge Britannia | 12-Mar-2016 | 10

One of the most damaging post-war developments in hedgerow preservation was the increase in mechanised cutting of hedges, in particular using the flail. Read more

Here’s why it’s a good idea to plant more willow (just not close to drains)

Willow is a native UK plant, which grows well in our temperate climate and is very easy to grow from cuttings. There are hundreds of different varieties of willow. Each variety differs in terms of growth rate, colour of stem and leaf shape. Read more

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