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    Green woodworking posts

    How to create white willow

    Creating white willow involves a number of processes and a large amount of specialist knowledge and skill. A mixture of patience and haste is also required. Some stages take a great deal of time while for others speed is of the essence. Read more

    Upcycling an old frame into a chalk board

    Learn how to upcycle an old and broken mirror or picture frame into an interesting chalk board. Read more

    Can jobs such as wood-turning return to developed countries?

    Robin Fawcett of Treewright | 23-Mar-2022 | 0

    We’d like to think / hope so, as climate change, environmental damage and fossil fuel depletion make huge supply chains unviable. Most wood turning, for the European market at least, is done in China and the Far East. But how long can this continue – the transporting of almost everything we need in the West from the other side of the world? It’s too damaging to global ecology, and it involves virtual slave labour. Read more

    Support your local green woodworker

    Robin Fawcett of Treewright | 15-Sep-2021 | 2

    Green woodworking – beautuful stools, chairs, tables, bowls, spoons and kitchen utensils. What’s not to like? ‘Price’ is what some of you might be saying, and this is a topic we’re going to be coming back to again and again. Price is the stumbling block that is pushing us towards a world of low-quality goods,… Continue reading Support your local green woodworker Read more

    How to build a bent willow chair

    Mitch Ison of Musgrove Willows | 09-Jun-2021 | 1

    Complement your home or outdoor space with an easy chair, rocking chairs or a living willow chair! This guide should help you to build a bent willow chair – a fantastic piece of willow furniture. Building a willow chair is incredibly satisfying. Just imagine, when you’ve finished you can literally sit back and enjoy your… Continue reading How to build a bent willow chair Read more

    Craft in a crisis: helping heritage crafts come back from the brink

    With a host of already endangered heritage crafts at even greater risk as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, what does the future hold and how can we play a part in helping heritage crafts survive and even thrive? Sophie Paterson explores. Read more

    The Bowl Gathering: preserving and reviving an endangered craft

    Sharif Adams, traditional bowl turner and spoon carver tells the story of the Bowl Gathering, from humble beginnings to a thriving gathering of craft revival. Read more

    Farm Hack is coming to Wales! Join in 6-7 October at the CSA Gathering

    You’re invited to participate in skill shares and farm hacks from 6-7 October 2018 at Tyddyn Teg Co-operative near Caernarfon. A joint event between Farm Hack and the Community Supported Agriculture network in Wales, Frank White tells us more. Read more

    How to identify trees in winter

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 11-Jan-2018 | 0

    It’s one thing to identify deciduous trees in summer, with their distinctive leaves on full show, but what about winter? Without leaves, we have to look at other telltale signs. After a bit of practice, it can be easier than you think. Have a go, using these helpful methods, which will make it easier to… Continue reading How to identify trees in winter Read more

    A natural building bookshelf with Jeffrey the Natural Builder

    In this post, Jeffrey the Natural Builder shares his top reading recommendations based on an original natural building books post on his blog. It’s over to him from here. Please note that this article contains affiliate links to bookshop.org – if you purchase we receive a small percentage. Thanks!  Read more

    An introduction to tool sharpening with Robin Wood

    “A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use.” So said the American writer and diplomat Washington Irving. In this post, we explore the importance of tool sharpening in woodworking with artisan Robin Wood MBE. Read more

    What we’re losing: the joy and satisfaction of crafting things by hand

    Jan Zalud of janzalud.co.uk | 12-Mar-2017 | 3

    The video below shows various stages of the production and finish of a 1-metre tall puppet by Jan Zalud. Jan makes all sorts of things – crafted by hand from wood. Read more

    The power of doing things ourselves using recycled materials: the Permaculture Book of DIY

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Oct-2016 | 1

    This is a radical new book – not because the ideas within it are going to change the world, but because it contains funky little DIY projects that could make a lot of people think ‘hey, I’ve always wanted one of those, but was put off by the cost – but actually, I could do… Continue reading The power of doing things ourselves using recycled materials: the Permaculture Book of DIY Read more

    Why do Americans have a different attitude to Brits when it comes to using trees as a renewable resource?

    We’ve noticed from comments on our blogs and on social media that environmentally-conscious Americans have a slightly different attitude to using trees as a renewable resource – whether for firewood or for timber – than that prevalent in the UK. Read more

    Beautiful, meditative video on the art of oak swill basket weaving

    Owen Jones of OakSwills.co.uk | 14-Jul-2016 | 0

    We were approached by a young film maker who has produced a video of Owen Jones at work – no interview, no music, just an almost hypnotic and definitely meditative study of Owen using traditional tools and natural materials to make beautiful things. Read more

    Why self-reliance means being able to fix bits of old kit – like this circular saw

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 16-Jun-2016 | 0

    Working outside and sometimes in remote situations requires a certain mindset to not only enjoy the experience, but also have an overall philosophy of self-reliance. Read more

    Green woodworking inspiration: mural door

    Richard Law of Flying Shavings | 25-May-2016 | 0

    This is a copy of the door to a wall cupboard, or mural cupboard (just the same word but from a Latin stem – posh). I wrote briefly about this local cupboard now in Cliffe Castle Museum here.  Read more

    How to make a new axe handle

    First, wood selection. The perfect wood is nice straight grain ash fairly fast grown, if it gets more than 6-8 rings per inch it is much more brittle, 4-6 rings per inch is perfect. Read more

    How to fit a new axe handle

    This blog post shows how to fit a new axe handle, it could be a new store bought handle or one you made yourself – more on this soon. Read more

    Visit to the Gransfors Burks forge in Sweden – makers of the world’s best axes

    Standing outside Huddiksval train station, it’s pouring with rain and I am beginning to wonder what the hell I am doing here. Having been travelling for 12 hours I’m tired and hungry, there is no one here to collect me, a taxi is more expensive than my flight from the UK and not a bus… Continue reading Visit to the Gransfors Burks forge in Sweden – makers of the world’s best axes Read more

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