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    Green funerals posts

    Building your own sustainable future

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 14-Jul-2021 | 2

    Hi. I’m Andy Reynolds – author, instructor, forester, promoter of self-reliance, and for the last few years I have been reflecting on our project’s progression, as it seems to have reached the stage of early maturity. The project – rebuilding a home, and changing the surrounding fields from dead agricultural land into an oasis of… Continue reading Building your own sustainable future Read more

    Sustainable funerals: Part 2 – with Ethical.net

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 05-May-2021 | 10

    Are you planning for a green funeral? Our friends at Ethical.net continue to explore sustainable funeral options, including green burials, coffins, burial sites, wakes and more. Read more

    Sustainable funerals: Part 1 – with Ethical.net

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 30-Apr-2021 | 0

    With green funeral options on the rise, our friends at Ethical.net explore what to consider when it comes to sustainable funerals, focusing on more sustainable cremation options in this first instalment. Read more

    Pushing up the veggies: human composting, coming to an end-of-life facility near you soon

    Natural organic reduction, a technique for turning human remains into “soft, beautiful soil” is being billed by its American developers, Recompose, as the greenest of green funerary practices. A licence was granted in March 2019 by Washington State and the company hopes to open for business in 2021. Read more

    Fancy joining the Pentiddy Woods family on an immersive 9 month internship?

    Ele Waters of Pentiddy | 09-May-2019 | 0

    Here’s your chance! We hear from Ele and Anthony at Pentiddy Woods about a unique learning opportunity on offer from October 2019. Read more

    Everything is one: a blackbird told me

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-May-2013 | 0

    I’m writing this listening to a blackbird singing. Short bursts of song, a different tune every time. The blackbird occasionally drops down to the lawn, pecks around, pulls out a worm and flies off to eat it. Read more

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