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    Geodesic domes posts

    Building a geodesic dome greenhouse

    I watched the weather on the met office website avidly from midweek hoping that Sunday would be fine with light winds. First the weather looked OK then the next day Malcolm called to ask if I really wanted to go ahead Read more

    Why we decided our greenhouse would be a geodesic dome

    We are in the process of building a Geodesic Dome Greenhouse like the one above. There will be another blog article soon about exactly how we built it.  Read more

    How about a yurt, dome or tipi as a spare room?

    David Field of World Tents | 25-Oct-2013 | 0

    Here’s an interview with David Field of World Tents about how a tipi, yurt or dome could be used as a spare room in the garden.  Read more

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