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    Fruit trees & orchards posts

    Win a copy of our partner Sally Morgan’s great new book, ‘Living on One Acre or Less’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Feb-2016 | 1

    This is a new book by our partner Sally Morgan of Empire Farm. It’s a comprehensive guide to starting and running your own micro-smallholding. Read more

    Low-impact & the city 2: what are urban gardens for?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Aug-2015 | 5

    I Iive with my partner in a terraced house in London, and we have a garden. So we have to work out what we want the garden for. Do we want to use it to impress people, to give it a ‘make-over’, to make it orderly and tidy, or to produce food? We’ve decided that… Continue reading Low-impact & the city 2: what are urban gardens for? Read more

    Help save Apple Island from development by becoming a part-owner and maybe even building yourself a sustainable home

    We are asking for your help to support a great example of a sustainable enterprise, not by merely donating to it, but by becoming an investor in a unique piece of nature. See here.  Read more

    Bring back scrumping! Here’s how…

    Local Fruit Futures manager Anne-Marie Bur plays a key role in turning schools across Sussex into grounds for the next generation of scrumpers. “It’s really heartening seeing kids picking fruit and eating it fresh.” Read more

    Help Brighton Permaculture Trust build a straw-bale ‘fruit factory’

    Brighton Permaculture Trust are Scaling Up the Scrump – and need your help to make it happen! For several years we’ve been turning waste fruit from local orchards and people’s homes into delicious produce such as jam, chutneys, and juices at pop-up scrumping events. Read more

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