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The next great transition will be to the Solidarity Economy with a mutual credit exchange system

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I’ve been working in the environmental field for over 20 years, and I believe, like the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, that we’re headed for ‘biological annihilation’, and like the good folk at the Dark Mountain Project, that a crash is coming that we may or may not recover from

Read more about The next great transition will be to the Solidarity Economy with a mutual credit exchange system

On a small scale, why is it illegal to give food waste to chickens and other animals?

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Imagine you have a factory producing sandwiches for supermarkets and petrol stations etc. Maybe you’re producing 100,000 packs a day or even more. Now imagine the worst thing that could happen. Perhaps someone comes in to work with food poisoning and contaminates the product and 100,000 people come down with food poisoning.

Read more about On a small scale, why is it illegal to give food waste to chickens and other animals?

Why much criticism of the Fair Trade movement is invalid – designed to disguise corporate exploitation of small farmers

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The Fair Trade movement was set up to secure better prices for struggling small farmers and craft producers in poor countries, and to provide funds for various improvements in their communities. It has, however, come in for some criticism for various reasons.

Read more about Why much criticism of the Fair Trade movement is invalid – designed to disguise corporate exploitation of small farmers

How we got olive oil from a small farm in Portugal brought over in a sailboat by a co-operative based in Brighton – and how you can do the same

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I recently interviewed Dhara Thompson of the Sailboat Project for our new sailboats topic introduction. He told me that they are one of many new organisations that are working to bring back sailboats for cargo and passenger transport – using the power of the wind to move people and goods around the planet.

Read more about How we got olive oil from a small farm in Portugal brought over in a sailboat by a co-operative based in Brighton – and how you can do the same