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    Farmers' markets / direct farm sales posts

    Vision for a UK-Wide ‘Market Garden Renaissance’ from the Landworkers Alliance

    Landworkers Alliance (LWA) launched its brand new report “Horticulture Across Four Nations” at a panel discussion at the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC). Read more

    Worried about fruit & veg rationing? Let’s grow our own, in our communities

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 05-Mar-2023 | 2

    Every so often something happens that punctures our sense of what’s normal. In the UK one of those events was empty shelves that used to display fruit and veg. Then supermarkets began rationing some food items. Read more

    Rewilding or local food production?

    We like the idea of rewilding, but it needs much more thought when it removes good UK lowland farmland – because then, obviously, land elsewhere will have to brought into agricultural production to take up the slack. Read more

    Organic smallholdings, not ‘farm-free’ food factories

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 13-Nov-2022 | 3

    Another critical review of George Monbiot’s latest book, Regenesis, by Chris Smaje, author of Small Farm Future. This follows on from last week’s review by Simon Fairlie. Read more

    ‘Monbiotic man’ – will future food be ‘farm-free’?

    Simon Fairlie starts a series of articles about whether technology will save us. He supports small farmers over George Monbiot’s ‘Regenesis’ solution. Read more

    Market gardening and working horses: help co-create a new enterprise in Devon

    Ben May of Forest Crafts | 08-Dec-2021 | 0

    Our network members Ben and Lorraine of Forest Crafts are hoping to find one or two people to help them develop a new business involving market gardening, working horses and working alongside volunteers. It’s a great opportunity for the right person / people. Read more

    12 reasons why industrial-scale agriculture is driving environmental destruction

    In this article, the LWA’s Horticulture Campaigns Coordinator Rebecca Laughton explains why we have to produce and trade a greater percentage of food locally. Read more

    Can organic farming feed the world?

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 16-Jun-2021 | 2

    Now there’s a question – posed by Chris Smaje of the Ecoogical Land Co-op. Chris joined the board of the ELC as Dave of Lowimpact left, and since then Chris has produced a book called A Small Farm Future, which we review here. Members of Lowimpact have become involved in the world of mutual credit,… Continue reading Can organic farming feed the world? Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 01-Apr-2021 | 0

    Our friends at Ethical.net share what to look for in local food and drink in their guide to farmers’ market shopping, plus how else to access sustainable produce from local producers. Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 18-Mar-2021 | 0

    In the second instalment of A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets, Elizabeth Waddington of Ethical.net explores how to find and what to expect at your local farmers’ market, as well as how to ensure your shop is as affordable as possible. Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 1

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 10-Mar-2021 | 0

    Not sure how to make the most of your local farmers’ market? In the first part of A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets, Elizabeth Waddington of Ethical.net sets out how and why shopping at your local farmers’ market can make a real and positive difference. Read more

    Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Nov-2020 | 15

    Industrial agriculture and giant monoculture farms dominate our food sector. But does it have to be that way? Could and should we build a new kind of food system based on small farms? This new book, ‘A Small Farm Future’ published by Chelsea Green, outlines what a post-covid, post-capitalist society might look like, built around… Continue reading Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje Read more

    Small farms, big solutions: climate crisis prompts investment in future farming

    There’s exciting news from the Ecological Land Cooperative as they launch a new community share offer, inviting you to make an investment in future farming. Read more

    Small farms, land co-ops and farm housing: Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm

    Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm | 23-Feb-2020 | 2

    Today I’m talking with Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm – an Ecological Land Co-op plot – who is going to build his own house on his smallholding. He’s also trading using mutual credit, via the Open Credit Network. Read more

    How to grow the non-corporate food sector: interview with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network (Part 2)

    This is Part 2 of an interview by Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / NonCorporate.org with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s Part 1, and below is the transcript of the interview, plus the video. Read more

    How the Open Food Network helps local food producers: interview with Lynne Davis (Part 1)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / NonCorporate.org interviews Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s the transcript of the interview, plus the video (below). Read more

    The future of community-supported agriculture: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 2)

    This is part 2 of a conversation with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. In Part 1 we talked about why CSA farms are such a good idea. This time we talk more about Sutton Community Farm and the future of community-supported agriculture within the food industry. Read more

    Why community farms are such a good idea: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 1)

    Today I’m talking with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. I’m interested in looking at how we produce food in the new economy. The current system is a disaster in terms of environment and wealth concentration. Read more

    Life on Birchwood Croft: tales of smallholding in the Scottish Highlands

    Lesley Anderson of | 10-Jan-2019 | 0

    Lesley Anderson learns about the ups and downs of life for crofters Beth and Tim Rose in the Scottish Highlands. Read more

    Chagfood community market garden apprenticeships on offer in 2019

    Ed Hamer of Chagfood | 03-Jan-2019 | 0

    Could 2019 be the year you learn how to set up and run a community market garden? Chagfood, a CSA scheme based in Chagford, Devon, is offering two apprenticeship opportunities from April to October. Read more

    Farmers’ markets / direct farm sales Resources

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