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    Electric vehicles posts

    The transport challenge – beyond electric cars

    With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars set to be banned in the UK by 2030 the electric car market is ready to skyrocket, but does replacing like-with-like go far enough? Joel Rawson looks at the benefits and impacts of electric vehicles and asks how we can go beyond electric cars. Read more

    Steering away from a car-centric society

    Mai Nguyen from the Steady State Herald explores if we can move away from a car-centric society? Read more

    Will we reach ‘peak car’, after which we can begin to reduce the number of cars on the roads?

    Daniel Scharf of Dan the Plan | 19-Mar-2017 | 3

    As a baby-boomer I have lived through a 50 year period where life has become dominated by and dependent on the use of the private car. I wonder whether other people are sharing my expectation that there will be a very much shorter period, equivalent  to a revolution, where the car moves into the background? Read more

    Norfolk Solar’s van is powered by the sun

    Lee Rose of Solar Hot Water | 05-Oct-2012 | 10

    Anyone who knows me will tell you I am a person whose private life is smothered by my work. I work in the renewable energy industry – more specifically, I’m a solar energy specialist. Read more

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