Info, news & debate


Help become a wiki

Help become a wiki, to provide more (and more relevant) information for visitors

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We’ve been liaising with Simon Grant, of the P2P Foundation Wiki, and making plans for turning into a wiki. We already have a network of specialists who provide information for our topics and respond to visitors’ queries. We want to expand this network, as well as the number of topics we cover.

Read more about Help become a wiki, to provide more (and more relevant) information for visitors

The tragedy of the commons

New topic – ‘commoning’ – and why ‘the Tragedy of the Commons’ is wrong

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At university, back in the 80s, we were taught about ‘the Tragedy of the Commons’ – an essay by Garrett Hardin, about how common resources are always abused, because humans are basically selfish. It seemed plausible at the time, but has since been shown to be false.

Read more about New topic – ‘commoning’ – and why ‘the Tragedy of the Commons’ is wrong