Info, news & debate

System change

IPCC climate report: perpetual GDP growth is unsustainable

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The Systems Change Alliance share our view at that the climate change problem can’t be solved within the current economic system, which requires and generates perpetual growth and wealth concentration. Here, Roar Bjonnes explains that it’s capitalism’s growth imperative that renders it forever unsustainable. With COP26 over, a leaked report from the IPCC (The

Read more about IPCC climate report: perpetual GDP growth is unsustainable

Teetering on the edge of an ecological collapse

Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

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I was introduced to an interesting academic paper recently, in which Professor Jem Bendell explained that his predictions of societal collapse have been criticised by some in academia because they will engender fear, depression and apathy, which will harm our chances of solving environmental problems.

Read more about Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

“why don’t you start a political party?”

Our response to: “why don’t you start a political party?”

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There’s a question we often hear: “why don’t you start a political party?” Sometimes this is genuine, and enthusiastic, but often it’s snarky, as in: “why don’t you stop sniping on the sidelines and put your ideas to the masses, who can vote for you if they like them? Then you can implement your proposals.

Read more about Our response to: “why don’t you start a political party?”

Resources for mutual credit book

Resources to accompany upcoming book on new economy built around mutual credit

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I have a contract to produce a book about growing a new economy, in communities, with mutual credit at the core. This article is a listing of key resources: video interviews I’ve done with relevant people whilst researching the book, plus articles and websites providing additional information.

Read more about Resources to accompany upcoming book on new economy built around mutual credit

Building the credit commons

Building the Credit Commons with Mutual Credit Clubs: Matthew Slater

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This is the second in a series of interviews that will accompany a book I’m writing, that will be published by Chelsea Green – an employee-owned company, and part of the new economy that the book is describing, built around a mutual credit core. Here’s more on the book deal and here’s some introductory information

Read more about Building the Credit Commons with Mutual Credit Clubs: Matthew Slater