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System change

unstone grange

Thoughts about the Breaking the Frame gathering and an idea for a potential spin-off

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I’ve just returned from the Breaking the Frame gathering – a long weekend at Unstone Grange in Derbyshire. My head is still spinning from the workshops, talks and panels featuring specialists on technology around GM, the military, nuclear power, surveillance, synthetic biology, health, energy, toxics annd climate, plus TTIP, emerging and alternative technologies.

Read more about Thoughts about the Breaking the Frame gathering and an idea for a potential spin-off


Why I’d like to bring together radical academics and people building a sustainable, non-corporate system on the ground

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I’m going to the Breaking the Frame gathering on Thursday, representing The event has been organised by Corporate Watch, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Rising Tide and Luddites200. Dave King of Luddites200 contacted a couple of years ago and I’ve been going along to his ‘politics of technology’ reading group one evening a month since.

Read more about Why I’d like to bring together radical academics and people building a sustainable, non-corporate system on the ground

How Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa idea could form the basis of a new global political system

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In 1991, I spent a couple of months in two Ujamaa villages in Tanzania. The Ujamaa system was introduced by Julius Nyerere in the early 1960s, and the World Bank effectively killed it as a system in the late 80s, although a few independent Ujamaa villages survived into the 90s. I’m going to briefly describe

Read more about How Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa idea could form the basis of a new global political system


Mark Lynas thinks that corporate capitalism can solve climate change – that’s like burning your house down to keep warm

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Oh do beware someone who comes before you and claims to be the voice of reason. Mark Lynas does exactly that in this morning’s Guardian and it doesn’t wash. His argument is barely an argument at all, more like a sort of faux man-in-the-street flimflam. Beware.

Read more about Mark Lynas thinks that corporate capitalism can solve climate change – that’s like burning your house down to keep warm


Mrs Thatcher was not ‘evil’ – she did what was necessary for Britain to succeed in a game that is utterly wrong

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On the day of Mrs Thatcher’s funeral she will receive many plaudits and much abuse. I don’t think that there is any merit in rejoicing in the death of a woman who believed that she was doing the right thing

Read more about Mrs Thatcher was not ‘evil’ – she did what was necessary for Britain to succeed in a game that is utterly wrong