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System change


What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

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Making use of biological resources, or renewable resources and services as David Holmgren characterises them, is an important principle of Permaculture Design. ‘Renewable services (or passive functions) are those we gain from plants, animals and living soil and water without them being consumed.’

Read more about What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

To all environmental groups: lifestyle change isn’t going to be enough to avert ecological catastrophe

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Someone said to me the other day that he associated ‘low-impact’ with lifestyle but not with politics or economics. Someone else asked why we blogged about TTIP, economic growth or system change when we were ‘just’ an environmental organisation.

Read more about To all environmental groups: lifestyle change isn’t going to be enough to avert ecological catastrophe


Why does Jeremy Hunt want to give junior doctors more work for less money, and can we stop the corporate takeover of the NHS?

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The planned strike is off, but we all know that the assault on the NHS will continue. The corporate incursions into the NHS that Hunt and his ilk are encouraging are because of neoliberal ideology, not a desire to provide the best healthcare. Can there be anyone on the left or right who doesn’t appreciate this,

Read more about Why does Jeremy Hunt want to give junior doctors more work for less money, and can we stop the corporate takeover of the NHS?

Review: Julius Nyerere’s ‘Ujamaa’, why a beautiful idea went wrong and how it can be adapted for the 21st century

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This is a book that I discovered in my twenties, and it impressed me so much that I ended up making my way to Tanzania in 1991, and staying for a couple of months on two ujamaa villages. Ujamaa means ‘familyhood’, a concept that Nyerere wanted to extend to encompass the whole of humanity,

Read more about Review: Julius Nyerere’s ‘Ujamaa’, why a beautiful idea went wrong and how it can be adapted for the 21st century


The Yamagishi Association: successful, moneyless, leaderless network of communes in Japan and elsewhere

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In the 1990s I visited the headquarters of the Yamagishi Association in Mie-ken in Japan. It’s a federation of intentional communities that is still going strong – but even then it comprised 3000 people in 30 villages all over Japan

Read more about The Yamagishi Association: successful, moneyless, leaderless network of communes in Japan and elsewhere

“why don’t you start a political party?”

Why international investors (i.e. ‘the 1%’) couldn’t care less about politics

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Bloomberg recently covered a Credit Suisse report on the concerns of international investors in the US, in Europe and in Asia. What they found was very interesting – that their concerns were entirely economic. They just couldn’t care less about politics – and especially who gets elected in which country.

Read more about Why international investors (i.e. ‘the 1%’) couldn’t care less about politics


Class War vs Cereal Killer: is this the way to promote anarchism?

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You must know by now about Class War‘s ‘attack’ on hipster cereal cafe ‘Cereal Killer‘. It wasn’t much of an attack, to be honest – no-one was hurt and they were open again the next day. But were they right to target Cereal Killer in their anger about the gentrification of Shoreditch?

Read more about Class War vs Cereal Killer: is this the way to promote anarchism?

the moneyless man

Conversation with the ‘Moneyless Man’: our problems are way beyond policy changes – we need a new system

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Mark Boyle, the ‘Moneyless Man‘ came to visit last Wednesday. It was the first time we’d met, although we’ve exchanged emails for years. As I suspected I would, I found him to be an inspirational character.

Read more about Conversation with the ‘Moneyless Man’: our problems are way beyond policy changes – we need a new system


What were your ‘light bulb moments’ in understanding the way the world works? Here are mine

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Here’s a rash statement, but I believe it to be true. Most people these days know, either rationally or intuitively, that humanity is heading in the wrong direction. If you ask people whether we’ve seen the back of ecological calamaties, financial collapses, corruption, poverty or war

Read more about What were your ‘light bulb moments’ in understanding the way the world works? Here are mine


Suggested campaign to remove unnecessary regulations from independent businesses

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Three things have happened to me recently that have made me realise that local, independent and/or community-owned businesses have been put at a huge disadvantage as regards regulations that cover their activities, and the independent sector is being unnecessarily penalised for the damaging activities of the corporate sector.

Read more about Suggested campaign to remove unnecessary regulations from independent businesses


More details of the ujamaa collective village system in Tanzania (from first-hand experience)

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This is an account of my visit to two ujamaa villages in Tanzania in the early 1990s, plus a lot more background information on the system itself. The ujamaa system has since been dismantled after pressure from the World Bank, but at its height, 20 million people out of a total population of 24 million

Read more about More details of the ujamaa collective village system in Tanzania (from first-hand experience)


How to answer the question: ‘if you don’t like this system, what do you want to replace it with?’ – aka a review of The Democracy Project by David Graeber

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Graeber was a leading light in the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the book begins with a fascinating insider’s view of the goings-on in and around Zucotti Park in 2011. The most important point in the book for me though was the reminder that people always want a blueprint for a new society

Read more about How to answer the question: ‘if you don’t like this system, what do you want to replace it with?’ – aka a review of The Democracy Project by David Graeber

low-impact money

If you’re not exactly ‘time-rich’, here’s how you can change society with your money as well as your actions

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Since Lowimpact began as LILI in 2001, we’ve offered a constantly increasing bank of information, courses, products, services, books, magazines, links, videos and advice for people wanting to change their lives – to live in a more sustainable and less corporate way.

Read more about If you’re not exactly ‘time-rich’, here’s how you can change society with your money as well as your actions