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ecological land co-op

Please help the Ecological Land Co-op with their latest OPD application

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The Ecological Land Cooperative would like to ask you for some support. As you may be aware, in 2020 we submitted a One Planet Development application to create 2 new small farms on our site at Furzehill on Gower. Due to one of the potential farmers having to pull out we have withdrawn that initial application and have just resubmitted an OPD application for 1 farm with the other original farmers.

Read more about Please help the Ecological Land Co-op with their latest OPD application

New website and new plans for 2022 – your involvement welcome

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We launched our new website in early January. It’s faster, more robust and (hopefully) easier to navigate. Please let us know if you find any broken links or any other problems. Since 2001, we’ve been developing a huge range of topics covering low-impact technologies, facilities and activities. But with the current economy and money system,

Read more about New website and new plans for 2022 – your involvement welcome

The left vs right battle: 5. how ‘new economy’ thinking can unite left & right

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In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’ve been trying to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this spectrum

Read more about The left vs right battle: 5. how ‘new economy’ thinking can unite left & right

The left vs right battle: 4. what left & right have in common

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In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this

Read more about The left vs right battle: 4. what left & right have in common

The left vs right battle: 3. why left vs right is so harmful

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In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this

Read more about The left vs right battle: 3. why left vs right is so harmful

The left vs right battle: 2. the roots of left and right thinking

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In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this

Read more about The left vs right battle: 2. the roots of left and right thinking

The left vs right battle: 1. the meaning of left and right

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In the run-up to Christmas (or for non-Christians, the winter holiday period, if you prefer) I’m going to try to spread a little love with a series of articles looking at the growing polarisation of society along the left-right spectrum. I want to persuade as many of you as possible that positioning yourself on this

Read more about The left vs right battle: 1. the meaning of left and right

IPCC climate report: perpetual GDP growth is unsustainable

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The Systems Change Alliance share our view at that the climate change problem can’t be solved within the current economic system, which requires and generates perpetual growth and wealth concentration. Here, Roar Bjonnes explains that it’s capitalism’s growth imperative that renders it forever unsustainable. With COP26 over, a leaked report from the IPCC (The

Read more about IPCC climate report: perpetual GDP growth is unsustainable

Teetering on the edge of an ecological collapse

Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

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I was introduced to an interesting academic paper recently, in which Professor Jem Bendell explained that his predictions of societal collapse have been criticised by some in academia because they will engender fear, depression and apathy, which will harm our chances of solving environmental problems.

Read more about Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

Support small fishing boats over giant super-trawlers

Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 3

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Here’s the third and final part of my interview with Caroline Bennett, founder of ‘Sole of Discretion’ (a community interest company that sells fish caught by a collective of small fishing boats in Devon) about why we should support small fishing boats over giant super-trawlers. We’re talking about how government quotas benefit super-trawlers and disadvantage

Read more about Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 3