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Mutual credit

Regenerative traditions in Africa: inspiration for the commons everywhere

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Building the commons may be hard in wealthier countries, where traditions of mutual aid were lost many years ago. But they’re still alive and well in other parts of the world – as this article by Janet of Grassroots Economics / Sarafu Network shows. I interviewed the director of Grassroots Economics, Shaila Agha, who told me about ‘chamas’ in Kenya – mutual savings groups, built on trusted relationships in local communities.

Read more about Regenerative traditions in Africa: inspiration for the commons everywhere

How credit clearing can change the global monetary system: interview with Tomaž Fleischman of Informal Systems

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Tom Woodroof of Lowimpact and Mutual Credit Services talks with Tomaž Fleischman of Informal Systems about credit clearing. We believe that credit clearing is one of the four crucial tools in building a new commons economy.

Read more about How credit clearing can change the global monetary system: interview with Tomaž Fleischman of Informal Systems

A brief history of credit clearing, with Hans-Florian Hoyer

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Hans-Florian Hoyer is a retired banker and academic who specialises in the history of credit clearing – especially credit clearing at medieval trade fairs. Credit clearing is a crucial part of building a new commons economy, because it reduces the need for money and banks in communities, and it helps small businesses survive through difficult times.

Read more about A brief history of credit clearing, with Hans-Florian Hoyer

How credit clearing can help system change: Michael Hallam of Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe

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In this interview I’m talking with Michael Hallam, who is involved with the Ethical Small Traders Association (ESTA) in Lancaster, and has recently been working with Mutual Credit Services on a credit clearing project called Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe. Credit clearing is an important part of what needs to happen to build a new, ‘commons’ economy.

Read more about How credit clearing can help system change: Michael Hallam of Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe

A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2

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This is Part 2 of an interview with Tom Woodroof, who made the move from the world of nuclear physics to the world of mutual credit and monetary change. I’m going to find out more about his work, and how it can contribute to (quite revolutionary) change.

Read more about A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2

Matthew Slater’s review of recent money news

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The Credit Commons protocol was written by Matthew Slater. It’s the ‘language’ that allows groups all over the world to connect and interact. It’s a bit like the rules of chess – it doesn’t matter what kind of chess pieces or board people are using, as long as they abide by the universally-accepted rules of chess, they can play together.

Read more about Matthew Slater’s review of recent money news


New tools and ideas for building the commons economy

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The Commons economy is not, like capitalism, built around the private ownership of the means of production – but neither is it, like socialism, built on the state ownership of those means. It’s about reinstating the commons, that have been gradually enclosed over the centuries, first by the state and more recently by capitalists.

Read more about New tools and ideas for building the commons economy

Grace Rachmany: comparing ideas for a moneyless economy, Part 2

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Part 2 of an interview with Grace Rachmany, of DAO Leadership and Voice of Humanity. She has some very interesting ideas around currency design and building a new economy based on community / reputation. As with all our interviewees, we think you’ll be interested in her ideas, and what she’s up to.

Read more about Grace Rachmany: comparing ideas for a moneyless economy, Part 2