Info, news & debate

Independent media


There are plans to water down the Freedom of Information Act; here’s what you can do

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In the great state/corporate battle against you, the latest round is an attempt to water down the Freedom of Information Act (other major assaults are TTIP and the Global Redesign Initiative). This is the act that brought you the MPs’ expenses scandal, and the fact that the UK government worked with chemical corporations to block

Read more about There are plans to water down the Freedom of Information Act; here’s what you can do


What I learnt about US Middle East policy and the international oil market in a kebab shop in Tooting

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I learnt something about US foreign policy (or more accurately, corporate foreign policy – this has nothing to do with the American people) in a kebab shop in Tooting – or rather, I didn’t so much learn about the foreign policy as how events that are largely unknown to most British people are common currency for

Read more about What I learnt about US Middle East policy and the international oil market in a kebab shop in Tooting

money week

Our award for most misleading and mendacious article of 2013 goes to MoneyWeek’s ‘End of Britain’

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You may have seen a sensationalist video called ‘the End of Britain’ that’s been doing the rounds throughout 2013. It’s a flashy, authoritative-looking video, and well it should be, as it’s produced by MoneyWeek Magazine

Read more about Our award for most misleading and mendacious article of 2013 goes to MoneyWeek’s ‘End of Britain’