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Housing commons

Introducing commons ideas at the Festival of Commoning

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At the Festival of Commoning (Sep 13-14, in Stroud), our Stroud Commons group has a one-hour slot on the Saturday morning. I’m going to give an overview of commons ideas, and there will be representatives of the housing, land, energy and climbing groups to talk about what’s happening in their groups. Then we’ll have around half an hour to answer questions.

Read more about Introducing commons ideas at the Festival of Commoning

What makes the commons movement different? (A: it’s much more difficult to co-opt.)

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The commons is a movement to create a different world, not just the same system with a few tweaks to make it more bearable. If successful, obviously there will be entities out there that will try to undermine it, buy it and ultimately, to crush it. But there are aspects to the commons model that will, I think, make it more resistant to this than existing models.

Read more about What makes the commons movement different? (A: it’s much more difficult to co-opt.)

A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.

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Dil Green is a founder member of Mutual Credit Services, who are working with Stroud Commons to design models for the commons economy for various sectors of the economy. This article first appeared on his blog 5 years ago, but it’s so relevant to the current commons movement, that we’re re-posting it here.

Read more about A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.

Stroud Commons 5: forming a ‘commoners’ group for each sector of the economy

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This is the latest in a series of articles documenting our group’s attempts to build the commons economy in Stroud, in a way that can be implemented in other towns, and connected together to build the foundations of a new, commons economy. It covers what we’ve done so far, and how people can get involved.

Read more about Stroud Commons 5: forming a ‘commoners’ group for each sector of the economy